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Help With V Hob Issues

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Hoping i'm just overreacting so asking to be safe. I have a vasectomised hob for taking my jills out of season and noticed one jill swelling the last couple of weeks. However the hob seems less than useless, he grabs the jill and goes through most of the motions but seems to endup just humping her back if anything at all. Granted i dont watch them 24/7. I last year the jills were jabbed so i presumed mating a hob would take about the same amount of time for the swelling to go down. Is there a chance i need to give him lessons? also whats the longest i can safely wait before biting the bullet and getting her jabbed?

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your hob is just starting to come in to season mate, they way to check is check t see if his balls have dropped, not being smart as the hobs retract them during the winter and normally only come into season a few weeks after the jills start to come into season, but he will be fine give him another try in a weeks time if his balls have dropped mate.


Swelling will show signs of going down after 7 days but can take up to 21 days to go right down.

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there a lot of hype about them dying with aplastic anaemia but to be honest I've seen jills come in to me when I used to run a rescue that had been in season for months

You're right. Some people never bother to mate their gills. Its not 100% that if you don't mate them they die. It's just a risk some people wont take...

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You may find that the jill he tried to mate will now come out of season, I have seen it happen. She may have a false pregnancy because, even though he has not mated completely with her, it may be enough for her body to think he has.



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