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Just About Sums Up This Country

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How sad People fall through the net/system - and it is often the ones who just quietly accept their lot in life, or don't know how to deal with the system, that get the bad deal.   I visited an

i notice on the first page for this thread the benefits was mentioned, it makes me want to shit bullets every time i hear some moron say the money is going on f***ing scrounging b*****ds they go on ab

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i notice on the first page for this thread the benefits was mentioned, it makes me want to shit bullets every time i hear some moron say the money is going on f***ing scrounging b*****ds they go on about it because they have no mind of their own and have heard some twat who is a prime minister(more like prime wanker)who say's the countries money problems are because of the unemployed getting it all in Benefits.


well let me tell you about some of these scrounging b*****ds, my mate phil was killed in the Falklands, his brother james lost his left leg and his left arm, james gets diability living alowance although ATOS say's he can run and walk so can go back to work, how the f**k can he run and walk with one f***ing leg, another mate collin was shot in the side it tore him open like a tin of beans i sat there holding his f***ing guts in till a medic got to him.


yes we were in the 22nd Bat R/M D comp and many of the blokes i was with are on Benefits because of the Falklands so if any of you want to blame the loss of monies to this country is because of scrounging b*****ds then f***ing think again and get your facts right.


on the tread this is a real shame and this government and successive governments dont give a flying f**k about anyone if you served and were injured to them thats what you sign up for you aint their problem, Cameron is a f***ing waste of space who dont even know how much a pint of milk costs, this country is in the shit because of the piss poor judgements the governments and the bankers(wankers) have made and the billions we keep giving to other countries because they dont even get a drop of rain, thats not our problem our country is our problem and at the moment this government is killing it, but could another government do any better NO and they wont till they decide this country comes first not the others, the country is a small lump in the sea and they are filling it up with foreigners, foreigners who are coming here going on the Benefit system and then sending the money they take home.


and the DWP, the government are letting them get away with it, the ONS office for national statistics say that 7 Billion pounds a year are being taken by imigrants who have gone on to the benefit system and sending it back to their families in other countries,so thats not taking the piss,,,,,BUT TAKING THE MONEY FROM A POOR OLD SOLDIER WHO HAS HAD TO SELL HIS MEDALS TO EVEN GET A MEAL MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL,


Cameron your a c**t and i hate that word start looking after the people of this country not f***ing others, but if he gets to hear about things on forums then i hope he takes one thing in.




i make no apologies to the way i fell about this government or people who blame every thing on what they call benefit scroungers with my language or animosity to them,i do apologise though to all the people that have fought for this country and now getting f****d over for it, i voted for this government because i believed what they said and for this i am deeply sorry i just hope and pray the next one will do what they say though i wont hold my breath.



it was me that mentioned benifets so if this is aimed at me i stand by what i say the sponging b*****ds of this country that are fit to work which dont it was aimed at them i have a son that is disabled who is going through the same as your friends they had a choice to join the army no one forced them to join I wish my son could join the f--king army but he cant because of his disabilty heis going up in front of a panel to see if he is fit for work and he cant even leave the house his self they are having to move from there house which is catered for him because the bedroom tax so i hope you and many others who voted tory are proud of yourselfs

no my friend not proud of my self, i like many others wanted to believe what we were being told by the wankers we ended up with, all you can do is hope what you are being told is genuine,,,this may be naive but some times you have to hope, yes some of the blokes i served with are on the disabled register and are getting shafted by this new bedroom tax aswell but they most certainly are not scroungers, as indeed many who get benfits are also not scroungers, yes there may well be some who are but you can not tar them all with the same brush,,,,


i dont know if you saw the news tonight but they (ONS) office of national statistics say that on average there is 85 people per aplication of a job in this country, so you tell me if theres close to 3 million unemployed in this country and on average 300,000 jobs then what are the other 2.7 million going to do if there is no jobs for them.


regardless of the unemployment size there is always going to be people who have no job, made worse in some countries by the influx of imigrants our little island being one of them it will always be like that and you can not blame every body who does not have a job for the current situation, this country has been brought down by poor judgements from governments banks and the likes, we all know people in bad situations we/ most of us do not blame them, blame the people who put them in that mess in the first place.



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i notice on the first page for this thread the benefits was mentioned, it makes me want to shit bullets every time i hear some moron say the money is going on f***ing scrounging b*****ds they go on about it because they have no mind of their own and have heard some twat who is a prime minister(more like prime wanker)who say's the countries money problems are because of the unemployed getting it all in Benefits.


well let me tell you about some of these scrounging b*****ds, my mate phil was killed in the Falklands, his brother james lost his left leg and his left arm, james gets diability living alowance although ATOS say's he can run and walk so can go back to work, how the f**k can he run and walk with one f***ing leg, another mate collin was shot in the side it tore him open like a tin of beans i sat there holding his f***ing guts in till a medic got to him.


yes we were in the 22nd Bat R/M D comp and many of the blokes i was with are on Benefits because of the Falklands so if any of you want to blame the loss of monies to this country is because of scrounging b*****ds then f***ing think again and get your facts right.


on the tread this is a real shame and this government and successive governments dont give a flying f**k about anyone if you served and were injured to them thats what you sign up for you aint their problem, Cameron is a f***ing waste of space who dont even know how much a pint of milk costs, this country is in the shit because of the piss poor judgements the governments and the bankers(wankers) have made and the billions we keep giving to other countries because they dont even get a drop of rain, thats not our problem our country is our problem and at the moment this government is killing it, but could another government do any better NO and they wont till they decide this country comes first not the others, the country is a small lump in the sea and they are filling it up with foreigners, foreigners who are coming here going on the Benefit system and then sending the money they take home.


and the DWP, the government are letting them get away with it, the ONS office for national statistics say that 7 Billion pounds a year are being taken by imigrants who have gone on to the benefit system and sending it back to their families in other countries,so thats not taking the piss,,,,,BUT TAKING THE MONEY FROM A POOR OLD SOLDIER WHO HAS HAD TO SELL HIS MEDALS TO EVEN GET A MEAL MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL,


Cameron your a c**t and i hate that word start looking after the people of this country not f***ing others, but if he gets to hear about things on forums then i hope he takes one thing in.




i make no apologies to the way i fell about this government or people who blame every thing on what they call benefit scroungers with my language or animosity to them,i do apologise though to all the people that have fought for this country and now getting f****d over for it, i voted for this government because i believed what they said and for this i am deeply sorry i just hope and pray the next one will do what they say though i wont hold my breath.



it was me that mentioned benifets so if this is aimed at me i stand by what i say the sponging b*****ds of this country that are fit to work which dont it was aimed at them i have a son that is disabled who is going through the same as your friends they had a choice to join the army no one forced them to join I wish my son could join the f--king army but he cant because of his disabilty heis going up in front of a panel to see if he is fit for work and he cant even leave the house his self they are having to move from there house which is catered for him because the bedroom tax so i hope you and many others who voted tory are proud of yourselfs

no my friend not proud of my self, i like many others wanted to believe what we were being told by the wankers we ended up with, all you can do is hope what you are being told is genuine,,,this may be naive but some times you have to hope, yes some of the blokes i served with are on the disabled register and are getting shafted by this new bedroom tax aswell but they most certainly are not scroungers, as indeed many who get benfits are also not scroungers, yes there may well be some who are but you can not tar them all with the same brush,,,,


i dont know if you saw the news tonight but they (ONS) office of national statistics say that on average there is 85 people per aplication of a job in this country, so you tell me if theres close to 3 million unemployed in this country and on average 300,000 jobs then what are the other 2.7 million going to do if there is no jobs for them.


regardless of the unemployment size there is always going to be people who have no job, made worse in some countries by the influx of imigrants our little island being one of them it will always be like that and you can not blame every body who does not have a job for the current situation, this country has been brought down by poor judgements from governments banks and the likes, we all know people in bad situations we/ most of us do not blame them, blame the people who put them in that mess in the first place.




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i notice on the first page for this thread the benefits was mentioned, it makes me want to shit bullets every time i hear some moron say the money is going on f***ing scrounging b*****ds they go on about it because they have no mind of their own and have heard some twat who is a prime minister(more like prime wanker)who say's the countries money problems are because of the unemployed getting it all in Benefits.


well let me tell you about some of these scrounging b*****ds, my mate phil was killed in the Falklands, his brother james lost his left leg and his left arm, james gets diability living alowance although ATOS say's he can run and walk so can go back to work, how the f**k can he run and walk with one f***ing leg, another mate collin was shot in the side it tore him open like a tin of beans i sat there holding his f***ing guts in till a medic got to him.


yes we were in the 22nd Bat R/M D comp and many of the blokes i was with are on Benefits because of the Falklands so if any of you want to blame the loss of monies to this country is because of scrounging b*****ds then f***ing think again and get your facts right.


on the tread this is a real shame and this government and successive governments dont give a flying f**k about anyone if you served and were injured to them thats what you sign up for you aint their problem, Cameron is a f***ing waste of space who dont even know how much a pint of milk costs, this country is in the shit because of the piss poor judgements the governments and the bankers(wankers) have made and the billions we keep giving to other countries because they dont even get a drop of rain, thats not our problem our country is our problem and at the moment this government is killing it, but could another government do any better NO and they wont till they decide this country comes first not the others, the country is a small lump in the sea and they are filling it up with foreigners, foreigners who are coming here going on the Benefit system and then sending the money they take home.


and the DWP, the government are letting them get away with it, the ONS office for national statistics say that 7 Billion pounds a year are being taken by imigrants who have gone on to the benefit system and sending it back to their families in other countries,so thats not taking the piss,,,,,BUT TAKING THE MONEY FROM A POOR OLD SOLDIER WHO HAS HAD TO SELL HIS MEDALS TO EVEN GET A MEAL MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL,


Cameron your a c**t and i hate that word start looking after the people of this country not f***ing others, but if he gets to hear about things on forums then i hope he takes one thing in.




i make no apologies to the way i fell about this government or people who blame every thing on what they call benefit scroungers with my language or animosity to them,i do apologise though to all the people that have fought for this country and now getting f****d over for it, i voted for this government because i believed what they said and for this i am deeply sorry i just hope and pray the next one will do what they say though i wont hold my breath.




it was me that mentioned benifets so if this is aimed at me i stand by what i say the sponging b*****ds of this country that are fit to work which dont it was aimed at them i have a son that is disabled who is going through the same as your friends they had a choice to join the army no one forced them to join I wish my son could join the f--king army but he cant because of his disabilty heis going up in front of a panel to see if he is fit for work and he cant even leave the house his self they are having to move from there house which is catered for him because the bedroom tax so i hope you and many others who voted tory are proud of yourselfs
no my friend not proud of my self, i like many others wanted to believe what we were being told by the wankers we ended up with, all you can do is hope what you are being told is genuine,,,this may be naive but some times you have to hope, yes some of the blokes i served with are on the disabled register and are getting shafted by this new bedroom tax aswell but they most certainly are not scroungers, as indeed many who get benfits are also not scroungers, yes there may well be some who are but you can not tar them all with the same brush,,,,


i dont know if you saw the news tonight but they (ONS) office of national statistics say that on average there is 85 people per aplication of a job in this country, so you tell me if theres close to 3 million unemployed in this country and on average 300,000 jobs then what are the other 2.7 million going to do if there is no jobs for them.


regardless of the unemployment size there is always going to be people who have no job, made worse in some countries by the influx of imigrants our little island being one of them it will always be like that and you can not blame every body who does not have a job for the current situation, this country has been brought down by poor judgements from governments banks and the likes, we all know people in bad situations we/ most of us do not blame them, blame the people who put them in that mess in the first place.



That still doesn't explain why you think you were in 22 commando when there is no such unit ????????????

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Trooperman-you've a bright future as a fiction writer! If you're going to try and pass yourself off as an ex bootie, at least try and do some research on real RM units. "22nd Batt"? This thread is about a real bona fide hero. Don't sully it with your lies. You Walterm


you know nothing about me, maybe you would like to ask my old LT Keith Mills about me, but the reply i put is not about me so perhaps you should go back a read it, i was saying that not every one on the unemployed register is a scrounging b*****d, and if service men injured in the act of their duty that find them self on the disability is a scrounging b*****d then there is no hope for anyone is there, so as said go back and read the post fully it aint about me.



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i notice on the first page for this thread the benefits was mentioned, it makes me want to shit bullets every time i hear some moron say the money is going on f***ing scrounging b*****ds they go on about it because they have no mind of their own and have heard some twat who is a prime minister(more like prime wanker)who say's the countries money problems are because of the unemployed getting it all in Benefits.


well let me tell you about some of these scrounging b*****ds, my mate phil was killed in the Falklands, his brother james lost his left leg and his left arm, james gets diability living alowance although ATOS say's he can run and walk so can go back to work, how the f**k can he run and walk with one f***ing leg, another mate collin was shot in the side it tore him open like a tin of beans i sat there holding his f***ing guts in till a medic got to him.


yes we were in the 22nd Bat R/M D comp and many of the blokes i was with are on Benefits because of the Falklands so if any of you want to blame the loss of monies to this country is because of scrounging b*****ds then f***ing think again and get your facts right.


on the tread this is a real shame and this government and successive governments dont give a flying f**k about anyone if you served and were injured to them thats what you sign up for you aint their problem, Cameron is a f***ing waste of space who dont even know how much a pint of milk costs, this country is in the shit because of the piss poor judgements the governments and the bankers(wankers) have made and the billions we keep giving to other countries because they dont even get a drop of rain, thats not our problem our country is our problem and at the moment this government is killing it, but could another government do any better NO and they wont till they decide this country comes first not the others, the country is a small lump in the sea and they are filling it up with foreigners, foreigners who are coming here going on the Benefit system and then sending the money they take home.


and the DWP, the government are letting them get away with it, the ONS office for national statistics say that 7 Billion pounds a year are being taken by imigrants who have gone on to the benefit system and sending it back to their families in other countries,so thats not taking the piss,,,,,BUT TAKING THE MONEY FROM A POOR OLD SOLDIER WHO HAS HAD TO SELL HIS MEDALS TO EVEN GET A MEAL MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL,


Cameron your a c**t and i hate that word start looking after the people of this country not f***ing others, but if he gets to hear about things on forums then i hope he takes one thing in.




i make no apologies to the way i fell about this government or people who blame every thing on what they call benefit scroungers with my language or animosity to them,i do apologise though to all the people that have fought for this country and now getting f****d over for it, i voted for this government because i believed what they said and for this i am deeply sorry i just hope and pray the next one will do what they say though i wont hold my breath.



it was me that mentioned benifets so if this is aimed at me i stand by what i say the sponging b*****ds of this country that are fit to work which dont it was aimed at them i have a son that is disabled who is going through the same as your friends they had a choice to join the army no one forced them to join I wish my son could join the f--king army but he cant because of his disabilty heis going up in front of a panel to see if he is fit for work and he cant even leave the house his self they are having to move from there house which is catered for him because the bedroom tax so i hope you and many others who voted tory are proud of yourselfs

no my friend not proud of my self, i like many others wanted to believe what we were being told by the wankers we ended up with, all you can do is hope what you are being told is genuine,,,this may be naive but some times you have to hope, yes some of the blokes i served with are on the disabled register and are getting shafted by this new bedroom tax aswell but they most certainly are not scroungers, as indeed many who get benfits are also not scroungers, yes there may well be some who are but you can not tar them all with the same brush,,,,


i dont know if you saw the news tonight but they (ONS) office of national statistics say that on average there is 85 people per aplication of a job in this country, so you tell me if theres close to 3 million unemployed in this country and on average 300,000 jobs then what are the other 2.7 million going to do if there is no jobs for them.


regardless of the unemployment size there is always going to be people who have no job, made worse in some countries by the influx of imigrants our little island being one of them it will always be like that and you can not blame every body who does not have a job for the current situation, this country has been brought down by poor judgements from governments banks and the likes, we all know people in bad situations we/ most of us do not blame them, blame the people who put them in that mess in the first place.





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i notice on the first page for this thread the benefits was mentioned, it makes me want to shit bullets every time i hear some moron say the money is going on f***ing scrounging b*****ds they go on about it because they have no mind of their own and have heard some twat who is a prime minister(more like prime wanker)who say's the countries money problems are because of the unemployed getting it all in Benefits.


well let me tell you about some of these scrounging b*****ds, my mate phil was killed in the Falklands, his brother james lost his left leg and his left arm, james gets diability living alowance although ATOS say's he can run and walk so can go back to work, how the f**k can he run and walk with one f***ing leg, another mate collin was shot in the side it tore him open like a tin of beans i sat there holding his f***ing guts in till a medic got to him.


yes we were in the 22nd Bat R/M D comp and many of the blokes i was with are on Benefits because of the Falklands so if any of you want to blame the loss of monies to this country is because of scrounging b*****ds then f***ing think again and get your facts right.


on the tread this is a real shame and this government and successive governments dont give a flying f**k about anyone if you served and were injured to them thats what you sign up for you aint their problem, Cameron is a f***ing waste of space who dont even know how much a pint of milk costs, this country is in the shit because of the piss poor judgements the governments and the bankers(wankers) have made and the billions we keep giving to other countries because they dont even get a drop of rain, thats not our problem our country is our problem and at the moment this government is killing it, but could another government do any better NO and they wont till they decide this country comes first not the others, the country is a small lump in the sea and they are filling it up with foreigners, foreigners who are coming here going on the Benefit system and then sending the money they take home.


and the DWP, the government are letting them get away with it, the ONS office for national statistics say that 7 Billion pounds a year are being taken by imigrants who have gone on to the benefit system and sending it back to their families in other countries,so thats not taking the piss,,,,,BUT TAKING THE MONEY FROM A POOR OLD SOLDIER WHO HAS HAD TO SELL HIS MEDALS TO EVEN GET A MEAL MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL,


Cameron your a c**t and i hate that word start looking after the people of this country not f***ing others, but if he gets to hear about things on forums then i hope he takes one thing in.




i make no apologies to the way i fell about this government or people who blame every thing on what they call benefit scroungers with my language or animosity to them,i do apologise though to all the people that have fought for this country and now getting f****d over for it, i voted for this government because i believed what they said and for this i am deeply sorry i just hope and pray the next one will do what they say though i wont hold my breath.



it was me that mentioned benifets so if this is aimed at me i stand by what i say the sponging b*****ds of this country that are fit to work which dont it was aimed at them i have a son that is disabled who is going through the same as your friends they had a choice to join the army no one forced them to join I wish my son could join the f--king army but he cant because of his disabilty heis going up in front of a panel to see if he is fit for work and he cant even leave the house his self they are having to move from there house which is catered for him because the bedroom tax so i hope you and many others who voted tory are proud of yourselfs
no my friend not proud of my self, i like many others wanted to believe what we were being told by the wankers we ended up with, all you can do is hope what you are being told is genuine,,,this may be naive but some times you have to hope, yes some of the blokes i served with are on the disabled register and are getting shafted by this new bedroom tax aswell but they most certainly are not scroungers, as indeed many who get benfits are also not scroungers, yes there may well be some who are but you can not tar them all with the same brush,,,,


i dont know if you saw the news tonight but they (ONS) office of national statistics say that on average there is 85 people per aplication of a job in this country, so you tell me if theres close to 3 million unemployed in this country and on average 300,000 jobs then what are the other 2.7 million going to do if there is no jobs for them.


regardless of the unemployment size there is always going to be people who have no job, made worse in some countries by the influx of imigrants our little island being one of them it will always be like that and you can not blame every body who does not have a job for the current situation, this country has been brought down by poor judgements from governments banks and the likes, we all know people in bad situations we/ most of us do not blame them, blame the people who put them in that mess in the first place.



That still doesn't explain why you think you were in 22 commando when there is no such unit ????????????

Aye - explain that one Trooperman...????????????????

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Trooperman-you've a bright future as a fiction writer! If you're going to try and pass yourself off as an ex bootie, at least try and do some research on real RM units. "22nd Batt"? This thread is about a real bona fide hero. Don't sully it with your lies. You Walterm


you know nothing about me, maybe you would like to ask my old LT Keith Mills about me, but the reply i put is not about me so perhaps you should go back a read it, i was saying that not every one on the unemployed register is a scrounging b*****d, and if service men injured in the act of their duty that find them self on the disability is a scrounging b*****d then there is no hope for anyone is there, so as said go back and read the post fully it aint about me.



You said "yes we were in 22 Bat R/M"

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