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Hoping To Learn The Heart Of Owning My Own Harris

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Hi guys and maybe ladys

I am new to the hunting life forum i have always been a keen shooter and in to my ferreting but the only reason iv become a member is to learn the knowledge i need to buy my own harris i have always wanted one but never got around to devoting my time to one so my aim is to learn the skills and then go find a breeder and buy a young chick and raise as my own. I only know the basics and will not go out and buy a bird to find i can't care for her as iv seen so many do. If there are any keen bird of prey owners reading this and would be happy to let me tag along on a weekend with you and your harris so i can have a good chat and watch the bird in action would be great I live in Wakefield West Yorkshire i do have my own car so i will travel around Yorkshire to meet on a weekend so if there are any knowledged harris owners reading please contact me thanks for taking the time to read my post i hope to ear soon thanks.

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more than welcome to come out with me mate but most birds will be moulting at the minute as its the end of the season for most . so save me as a friend and come end of october time when the hawk has been retrained and his fitness is slightly higher you are more then welcome to tag along. as long as your not one of these di*ks that ask all the questions then i never hear from you again. im pontefract area by the way. also moulting is when a bird of prey is left alone to replace their damaged feathers from the previous season and give your quarry breeding time, generally they are put down end of February and taken out late august early september. in this period they are fed up to reach a fat weight in order to grow healthy feathers. so in effect you only fly a hawk 6 months of the year.

Edited by youcanthide...BANG
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thanks for the fast replys and yes i will take your offer the only thing is i can't add you as a friend yet as iv got to earn my brownie points before i can add anyone or send private messages but as soon as i can il get in touch and find out when your going out thanks again its much appreciated :)

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Nice offer there mate,to add to that I will be training a new bird this season,so as already stated if you are genuine,(and I am sure you are)pm me your number and you are welcome to come and have a go with me too,I am a little further away, in Sheffied but still not a million miles away,in fact (oh fu-k hes had an idea)why dont some of us lads that live reasonably close have a field meet of sorts this year,could work out well,lads with no birds doing the ferreting and we can show em the ropes and concentrate on on stopping the hawk from baiting or nailing the ferret, lol, also mate yorkshire hawking club is a very friendly club with people who will help out,why not check that option out too.

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im well up for a field meet next season with the hunting life lads. get some ferreters involved could be a great day. have to keep an eye out for some pottential land where the farmer wont mind numbers of people at one time. ive got some good lamping land aswell charlie caller, and since your in the same boat as me with work and that we will have to have a night out sometime. hopefully the bird will take to the lamp like a duck to water

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he finishes the moult early september takes me around 3 weeks to retrain him and have him of the creance. but at that time of year the cover is still thick so i basically focus on recalls and bringing his fitness up and maybe blag the odd kill, then when the cover dies its all about hunting with the ferrets, hawks hunted 7 days a week then feed him up 1 day and then bring him back down the day after, this happens every other week or when the hawk has had a really good day with multiple kills or a really long testing flight.

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  On 07/03/2013 at 15:29, youcanthide...BANG said:

im well up for a field meet next season with the hunting life lads. get some ferreters involved could be a great day. have to keep an eye out for some pottential land where the farmer wont mind numbers of people at one time. ive got some good lamping land aswell charlie caller, and since your in the same boat as me with work and that we will have to have a night out sometime. hopefully the bird will take to the lamp like a duck to water

Sounds like a splendid idea mate, will deffo get on that one :thumbs:

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Hi sound like your luck is in with the help offered. If you could find someone local with a falcon they fly all year round you may be able to gain some experiance in how to look after a bird, feeding, weights controll,cleaning, housing, manning,hooding,health etc. That way you can start learning the ins and outs sooner and will give you a good start and better understanding of what's what.

You could also look up one of the clubs up there see if you can get a mentor or see if any pest controllers who have birds will let you have a days out with them.

Good luck with it all and all the best.

For the rest hope you have a good moult and bring on the flying season!

For me time to get the falcons weight right and the lure arm ready for the good weather and brighter evenings, sometimes I feel I'm in the wrong country for that


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I see thats thats not too bad then im learning faster than i fort :)

And thanks for the post Lee i am going to look into joining a club as Charlie caller as told me but the falon idea is good too as i do remember reading about falcons fly all year round thanks again.

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