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Plodders Or Triers

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Up and at em type all day long for me

If i was hungry Boyo i would want something caught as quick as possible.. ..can you imagine the amount of drooling and salavating you would do on a 6 min run if you had not eaten for a week..i would

We all want up n at em types that get the job done quickly , but good uns can't be killed quickly , they have to be ran ! There's a massive difference between something that lays off its hare and run

Once saw a dog years ago, that everyone was talking about, caught an amazing amount of Hares saw it catch two out of two, the only time I saw it run,

Had stamina a plenty, always caught four and five fields away, must have run them into the ground.

not my type.

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Once saw a dog years ago, that everyone was talking about, caught an amazing amount of Hares saw it catch two out of two, the only time I saw it run,

Had stamina a plenty, always caught four and five fields away, must have run them into the ground.

not my type.

Nor mine :thumbs:

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Yes you still need stamina but it's a little bit of a waste of time if they is no speed or urgency to catch.. :yes: ..as for Bread i like sliced hovis fook that uncut shite it does my head in.. :D

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you still need stamina if your hun 3 days aweek it ok for millet once a year a full bread thats what he wants

Are you not confusing stamina with fitness? Plenty of very fast, quick types will do 3 days a week with no problem :yes::thumbs:

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which do you prefer a dog to stay behind its quarry and wait for the right time to strike and plod on for fields or a dog that tries it hardest to get to its quarry and gets over and done with ?

What way do your dogs run?

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