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What Will Everyone Be Doing

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Just spent the best part of 2 grand on materials for my house today so i'll be busy with that for the next month or so....a few days salmon fishin in between though ;+)

Summer will be salmon fishin...pest control on golf courses...knittin nets...tyin flies...new bigger ferret hutch...hutch for daughters guinea pigs amongst...out in the countryside with the mutts and hopefully the West Highland Way ;+)

Done the west highland way... in 24 hours for charity.....some dodgy bits on the route. :yes:


Would be nice to do part of it...with a couple of people...tent etc and a dog each :yes:


Oh...one thing i wont be trying again...is net making.....


I just cant understand where the profit is in it? Toook me hours to make a net....and they sell for what?...2 quid (ish)....


Even if your faster, its sore on the hands.....and boring as feck :laugh:


Yous guys never heard of porn :whistling:


Always enjoyed a bit of coarse fishing....


Cast out...beers out.....type of fishing :laugh:


Not done it for years though.

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You done the whole 96 miles in 24 hours??? Fook me...you must be related to Linford Christie ;+) Just had an op on my foot so my goal is to do it in 4 days. Dogs...tent...sleepin bag...powdered food and few bits of extra clothing...none of that hotel and hot bath every night shit for me ;+) Really lookin forward to healin up and doin a few 10k's and Munro's as practice. Done a 14k for charity around Loch Katrine a couple of years ago and loved it. Had foot probs then though and crunched co-codomol all the way round :-/

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You done the whole 96 miles in 24 hours??? Fook me...you must be related to Linford Christie ;+) Just had an op on my foot so my goal is to do it in 4 days. Dogs...tent...sleepin bag...powdered food and few bits of extra clothing...none of that hotel and hot bath every night shit for me ;+) Really lookin forward to healin up and doin a few 10k's and Munro's as practice. Done a 14k for charity around Loch Katrine a couple of years ago and loved it. Had foot probs then though and crunched co-codomol all the way round :-/

Musnt have been the full 96 miles....obviously :laugh:

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Does the ferreting/hunting/lamping season not go on all year then?...then there's the meetings in the pub with the landowner to discuss the pest control operations,a bit of net making (because you are short of nets) some game fairs to see this year's new methods and equipment,a new dog (i just wangled that one) need i go on....and a gullible Mrs for all of the above

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I will just be taking it easy for now till the end of july..them hopefully i can get a bit of coarsing done on some leveret's..with my bitch.. :whistling:

august nights with the pup canny beat it they can take the right c--t out the dog ;)

Edited by nothernlite
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Picking up new pup easter so he will be taking up a lot of my focus along with some fishing and my other year round love is surfing which takes priority over every thing. Im looking forward to the sea warming up and the sun on my back. Im thinking about getting a kayak to fish from, went out mackerel fishing on a mates last summer and was awesome and added whole new level of fun :yes:

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