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The New Toy To Play With

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hi guys i have just purchased a new hw80k in .22 tonight well i say new its 3months old and had 200pellets through it so still bedding in really. my intentions were to sell the hw97k and the money from the bsa ultra to buy a new pcp but with also buying a car priorities took over and ended up spending my rifle money on one so i had a 100miles round trip in total up to ashington to meet vizlauk where he revealed the brand new hw80k id come to see. at first glance i knew i was taking it home and wasnt going to be so to atempt to bid him down. he put it over the crono to show me it was legal around the 10.6 so with a couple of tins put through it should settle in nicely and get it back over the crono.


will be taking it over to the girlfriends house (farm) putting a scope on and have a shoot friday and over the weekend. now im driving it means il be able to get about to new permissions such as my rugby coachs dairy farm :boogy: and blooding the rifle hopefully.


the first thing i did when i got it back was to open it up and see what weirauch standard this one was at and found it pretty good with no broken off springs and a coating of grease so where is some photos.


thanks again sean the rifles great :thumbs:









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Pleased to here your happywith it Lewis - someone may aswell use it rather than it just sitting in the cupboard, As for not trying to bid me down - just aswell as I would have just put the gun back in the cupboard lol !

As you know - I gave you a topper deal on it - let us know how you get on with it -

Regards Sean - ps Nice to meet you .

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  On 05/03/2013 at 03:06, zini said:

Nice looking rifle there Lewis.


Best of luck with it mate.



Cheers si I'm going to get some tins through it then think about a stage 1 sfs tune or fitted a v-Mach kit myself will there be much difference in them?



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  On 05/03/2013 at 09:08, vizlauk said:

Pleased to here your happywith it Lewis - someone may aswell use it rather than it just sitting in the cupboard, As for not trying to bid me down - just aswell as I would have just put the gun back in the cupboard lol !

As you know - I gave you a topper deal on it - let us know how you get on with it -

Regards Sean - ps Nice to meet you .

Top deal and top bloke thanks sean!

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  On 05/03/2013 at 12:36, silentshot1 said:

I think that's going to be my next buy!! I had a play with the 95 the other day and just to light for me, but I really want a break barrel. Great rifle!

cant wait to have a good shoot with it iv not heard a bad review of them yet!



  On 05/03/2013 at 15:30, Mawders said:

Lewis that's a nice rifle, just wondering why you want a tune, get some lead down her breach and enjoy her. They are solid built to last rifles them!

cheers bud i said id think about it but from what iv read on the web they shine when they have a tune. il be putting a few tins through it first and go from there. i think this will be a keeper if we get on prefect weight and balance for me


atb lads

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Regarded by most as the best break barrel springer! Essentially a mighty work horse. John darling was a master shot with his! If he were still around I would be willing to bet he would still use his to this day.

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looking at the internals i dont think its running standards , my 80 didnt come with a top hat and the standard rear guide is a cream colour , whats your showing their looks almost identical the v-mach kit i put in mine , the gun looks sweet tho and if its an after market kit in it all the better

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And he was right to use one and all, my favourite pick up and go rifle of all time.


Good choice lewis, and mate, get it tuned, you won't regret that at all mate. Makes a great airgun an awesome airgun. Dried a

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Damn phone!


Dropped a 40yd rabbit with a sweet headshot tonight, then spent a pleasant half hour shooting with my daughter. From the simplest and most fun airgunning to serious hunting and long distance target shooting, the 80 just laps it all up,i love shooting mine, whatever kinda shooting I'm doing.

Hope you have as much fun with yours mate.

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  On 05/03/2013 at 22:07, webster said:

looking at the internals i dont think its running standards , my 80 didnt come with a top hat and the standard rear guide is a cream colour , whats your showing their looks almost identical the v-mach kit i put in mine , the gun looks sweet tho and if its an after market kit in it all the better

100% standard - the gun had never been apart !

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  On 05/03/2013 at 22:10, gurtwurz said:

And he was right to use one and all, my favourite pick up and go rifle of all time.


Good choice lewis, and mate, get it tuned, you won't regret that at all mate. Makes a great airgun an awesome airgun. Dried a

Was waiting to see what you thought of it wurz buddy, how do you think the untuned rifle comparison to your tuned rifle now? If its groups out to 40m in my hands il be a happy guy.


Hope your well bud!

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