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crow shooting

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out this weekend gone trying to get to grips with some crows that are feeding on a weather damaged field of corn,we got 2 for the rotary machine straight away,so set it up and with the aid of the crow caller a mixture of jackdaws and carrion crows started trickling in,i aint the best shot by anyones standards and for the first hour or so,i would say i was shocking,started to get into things a little later on,and finally ended up with just over 40 crows and the odd pigeon thrown in...........


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at first just set up a single crow decoy in the field and used a crow caller,got 2 birds straight away,then set up the rotary with the 2 birds on it,sometimes depending on how the birds are reacting,we then get a few using the rotary,and remove it using the dead birds only when they get a bit spooky,on this particular day though they seemed happy to fly in with the rotary out all day and approx 6 or 7 dead birds used as decoys..

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Use an owl decoy. Can you guys use an electronic caller over there?? If you can get a recording of death cry of a crow and a muder of crows. Over here we don't bother to much with decoy unless your on a flyway. Other than that it's run and gun. Drive a few miles call shoot then off to the next spot.





you can get sounds from the above site burn to cd and use a boom box.

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