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Strange Ferret!

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So I had just cleaned out the stinkers (1 hob and 2 Jill's) and put fresh food and water in their bowl. went into the house to make a brew and when I looked out through patio doors the hob took a little drink of the water then started paddling it all out onto the sawdust. It was really strange to watch, it was like he was digging but flicking the water out. And I thought ferrets didn't like water lol! Anyone any ideas when the weirdo was doing ha?

Happy hunting DHG

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Mine run under the water when i'm hosing out their hutch...shake themselves then run under it again. Late last summer they were jumping in and out of a small paddling pool the kids had. The kids put an inch of water in the bottom of it and they were chasing each other in and out so they definitely like water. Great fun to watch ;-)

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We always put a old baking tray in the court aviary in the summer put about 2inches of water in it and one of our jills puts her head under the water and pushes herself along the bottom of the tray the mad cow. The rest of them just bounce around in it GREAT FUN TO WATCH

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Got a hob that enjoys dragging the bowl everywhere and digging it out onto the floor. I put the water bowl inside another larger bowl so he can't move it and he looses interest. Attaching it to the cage would have the same effect.

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