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I had the left cartilage sorted out in 96, supposed to be key hole surgery, I woke up with a knee like a swiss cheese and was then told sorry we may have damaged the nerve behind the knee cap, well they were right, off my feet for almost 6 weeks, the good news is that 19 years later the scars have gone, the pain has gone but the knees as wobbly as ever :laugh:

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well a can get about much better now but ferretin is over for another season as there is baby bunnys about, so its just a waitin game till i get me lamp n dogs out am not the fastest at the min but ca

Not had an op yet,back in hospital in 4 days to see what's happening.   bad enough sat around the house,but my bird's out with the dogs left me with my lad and he's robbed me crutches lol   now i'

neems :- i know how you feel the first thing the kids done when i got home was pinch me crutches , av never been so fekin board mate carnt take dogs out ov drive just sit n drink coffee al day kids ar

It's true about the insurance - They will argue that if it is right leg, you won't be able to brake effectively, and if it is left leg, you can't operate clutch properly.


Getting out and about on the crutches helps, and the physic exercises as much as you can.

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I've had fourteen op's on right leg due to osteoarthritis ending with total knee replacement,kept me off work from 2001-2006. I had total knee replacement in my left leg dec 2012 and left elbow replacement sept 2012 still off work now but have just started driving again.

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a just hope it has sorted the pain out coz sometimes a used to just drop to the floor when shoppin or just walkin for nee reason it was a right pain in the ass, i know i will need the right knee done but al wait n see how long am out ov action befor a think ov gettin it sorted,


there is just 1 thing that is botherin me at the min and its the side ov me knee is still feels numb to toutch if ya no what a mean


a went round the block on me crutches i looked a right plonka about 7/8 kids walkin with me askin why are you walkin like that mista lol


so think thats me goal for next week a trip round the block every day 2 if its not to bad,

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a just hope it has sorted the pain out coz sometimes a used to just drop to the floor when shoppin or just walkin for nee reason it was a right pain in the ass, i know i will need the right knee done but al wait n see how long am out ov action befor a think ov gettin it sorted,


there is just 1 thing that is botherin me at the min and its the side ov me knee is still feels numb to toutch if ya no what a mean


a went round the block on me crutches i looked a right plonka about 7/8 kids walkin with me askin why are you walkin like that mista lol


so think thats me goal for next week a trip round the block every day 2 if its not to bad,

If there is still some swelling around the knee itself, then numbness is normal, and will settle.

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I didn't realise there were so many cripples on here lol


are most of these just wear and tear?


I'm sure i've got that coming in years to come,i just hope i haven't brought it forward with this.

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What's the name of the op you're having mate? Recovery times vary. :yes: I've had about 10 ops on my knees over the years starting from complete cartilage removal (menisectomy) in my late teens. I'm off in for a pre op assessment on the 27th, then in for what will hopefully be my last ops soon after. I'm having cartilage transplants put back in nearly 20 years after my own were taken out! :blink::laugh: Last time I was in I had both knees done at the same time, (debridement & microfracture) and that was a f***ing pain in the arse trying to do anything afterwards! :thumbs:

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I didn't realise there were so many cripples on here lol


are most of these just wear and tear?


I'm sure i've got that coming in years to come,i just hope i haven't brought it forward with this.

Not wear and tear - I got kicked in right knee by a horse - 2 years later was overtaken by an asshole in a fast car, while riding my horse - he misjudged distance and took my leg out with his wing mirror. Total of 5 surgeries, and now no ligaments in one knee, and f*ucked cartiledge in the other. Still - I walk dogs, ride and run - stubborn bugger !

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I didn't realise there were so many cripples on here lol


are most of these just wear and tear?


I'm sure i've got that coming in years to come,i just hope i haven't brought it forward with this.

Not wear and tear - I got kicked in right knee by a horse - 2 years later was overtaken by an asshole in a fast car, while riding my horse - he misjudged distance and took my leg out with his wing mirror. Total of 5 surgeries, and now no ligaments in one knee, and f*ucked cartiledge in the other. Still - I walk dogs, ride and run - stubborn bugger !

mine started when i fell off a roof in leeds, broke pelvis and a load of ribs knee never worked right after that plus while i was in hospital i lost a shoe

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Had a scrape out/cartilage clean up/key hole surgery 4 or 5 years ago. Surgeon told me me I could do whatever I wanted to as soon as I was able to.

Perhaps I should have left it a bit longer but as it didnt hurt and I've got a hand throttle in the tractor I was back at it the next day. Looking back. I think I should have left it a few more days but always had a fairly high pain threshold and I couldn't do with sitting on my arse doing nothing so I took things a bit easy but I was back at work.

Done the other knee as well now but having no faith in doctors will leave it as long as I can before I think about having anything else done.

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av had pain in me knees for years (havent got a clue how i done it) but me left 1 had a big lump on the side ov it, went to docs and he sent me to see a knee person and 3 weeks later am in hospital, they said my cartlage was leakin fluid so they put a stitch in it as they said it was to good to remove, i had keyhole its been 6 days now i wouldent say its sore but there is a niggley pain behind me knee cap, but not enough to keep takein me pain killers,

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Snapped the cartilage in my right knee whilst working away in november....pretty bad one....


Sent through for an emergency operation......


Was off my feet for 7 to 10 days...then out ferreting...easy jobs....rm2508 carried all the kit...netted up...lifted and carried me



I just drank brews....was still out though.


Lamping shortly followed before christmas....


Started making catapults while i was off work...to occupy my mind....


Back to work fully in january...physio every day...


Missing going away and earning some good money...and promotion courses because i cant 100% do my job....


Knees not right at all.... but will get there...


Pain in the arse tbh......


But atleast my surgeon was british :laugh:

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Got yo have a cruciate ligament op soon. snapped it 11 yrs ago. but cos its been so long both ends of ligament have dissolved, so they have to take some tendons from somewhere else and use that. 6 weeks off my feet and 6 months off work. needs doin now though. permanent swelling.pain and loss of mobility.

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