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Bullying At School

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The best way to stop a bully is to go straight to the source .... The home ... My eldest daughter was getting bullied by another girl in her year .... Started off with name cling silly rumours etc but

Very good post socks, confidence is key, I don't mean that horrible cocky arrogant type of confidence, just being secure enough in yourself... For kids sport and decent socialising is so important I r

Yep they turn into big fat fuckers lol ...........

My daughter stands up for these kids . The waifs and strays , the ' unaccepted ' . She always has , thats just her way . Shes just 16 . The school shes at , although they are adamant they dont tollerate bullies , they have their fair share . About a month ago she rang me at work , very unusual , to say that a boy , 15 he was , that she had been looking out for in school had had enough and taken an overdose . 15 . Shes not been right since , and the school still refuse to accept any part of it . A 15 year old boy , made to feel that bad that he took his own life ? I think anyone and everyone is reaponsible for the next generation , we could all do more .......

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