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Bullying At School

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my eldest had a few problems -- after the school failed i took the same route as socks when my lad was a bit older -- it was a case of remember me you bullied me at school all 4 of em got sorted ;)

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The best way to stop a bully is to go straight to the source .... The home ... My eldest daughter was getting bullied by another girl in her year .... Started off with name cling silly rumours etc but

Very good post socks, confidence is key, I don't mean that horrible cocky arrogant type of confidence, just being secure enough in yourself... For kids sport and decent socialising is so important I r

Yep they turn into big fat fuckers lol ...........

I remember the first day of secondary school, one of the local gypsy boys was in one of my classes. Cocky as you like and already looked like a 30 year old.

He kept flicking the boys ear sat in front of him making stupid noises eeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

The boy turned around after about 10 snopes to the ear lol and said that's enough mate. Boy turned back around and the gypsy showing off, gave it one one flick.

WHAM, the boy turned around and punched him straight on the nose, blood everywhere lol. He never got picked on again.

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i had a call of a member off here saying my brother (phrase used lightly as its not by choice) i think he was 15 / 16 was bullying his lad think he was 12 / 13 the 1st thing i said was if he's big enough to dish it out he should be big enough to have a good slap himself :yes:


As the chap is a top bloke and said he just wanted someone to have a word and just to tell him to leave his lad alone, i called my mum and i believe she took him down to the lads house and made him apologies. :thumbs:



that's what should happen to bullys be exposed for the scum they are

Edited by Wxm
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happened to me in high school i was in first year guy was in 4th year kept kicking me every morning got sick of it waited behind a garage that they gut through on the way home and put a house brick over his head and ran like him out forest gump he never kicked me again :thumbs:

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I have no time for bullys at all and will make sure all my kids know how to handle their selves but to use it in the right situation, mainly to show the scummy little fcukers up that think they are the big i am's.

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There was a lad in my year in school was getting bullied by some little prick,anyway one day he stood up to him and ended up kicking f**k out of him,which was great....until home time.


he got badly beaten on his way home by a few older lads and had to take a few days off school,and you know what young lads are like he wouldn't grass.


but that wasn't the end,he got bullied 10x worse until he left school,went from a funny,cheeky young lad to a total recluse in the space of a few years,still livess with his parents now at 23 never had a girlfriend,doubt he's even got a friend these days.

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I was bullied at school all through out my years at school right from the word off to the nearly the end of school life as I have a physical disability. my father is only a short arse with a wild temper little man syndrome thing was he could back it up his knick name at school was weed after bill n ben lol ive met a few of his old school freinds who are big lads say they only upset him once n paid forit .he used to say to me don't let them get to you boy either walk away and they will soon get bored or hit them first n hit hard they'll only do it the once taught me to box and stand me ground I soon learned as did the bully's enough is enough the school ended up contacting my parents saying I needed anger management counselling along with my brother for fighting parents reply was if you had spotted and listened in the first place there wouldn't be a need for it ?

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i remember a new lad dean coming to our school his family had moved down from leeds we were 14 at the time -- i got the job of looking after him for the first week on the 2nd day he askd me to point out the hardest lad in the school -- i pointed him in the direction of docker sharpe --dinner break he produces a cut off broom handle and lays in to sharpey-- he never got bullied from that day on ,he told me his old man told to find the hardest lad in school and sort him out :laugh:

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i got told by jock that if you ever get jumped by a few lads find out who they are where they drink and go 1 night to where they drink and wait till they come out pissed, even if you have to do it over a few week give each and everyone the best hiding of their lives and while given them that hiding drum in to their heads who you are why they are getting that hiding and if they touch you again then they will be getting a second helping :thumbs:

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First day at high school for me brother I see a lad pushing him about ( brother was just 11 ) the lad was 14 I used the lads head to open a set of double doors he didnt look at me brother again . 2 lads I grew up with as such used to take the piss but as they were mates as such I just let it go till they took it a little further I beet 1 lad with my crutch and the other I punched in the throat knocking him off the back of a table gasping for air 2 days later I split his nose open with a head but as he bear hugged me digging his knuckles in my back laughing while he did it I warned him 2 times to put me down 3 time he soon let go . Funny what a lad with spinabiffida can when pushed

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I used to get bullied rotten, name calling, throwing stuff in class, snatching lunch off me and chucking it on the floor, throwing my pencil case around etc etc. In German one day they were chucking my pencil case about :laugh: and i thought 'enough is enough' and belted one of the main instigators, which bust his nose and he broke down in tears....it earned me the nickname 'hard man', which was just another piss take by the bullies...then it got worse, they would wait for me outside the school gates and kick f**k out of me, the school didn't give a shit. Some random mum dragged me in her car one time to stop them from kicking my arse. I would hide it from my parents for fear of getting in trouble then one night i got a message over msn messenger saying i was going to be stabbed the next day at school...so i told my parents what had been going on. The gang were once again outside the school gates, but so was my dad and some of his mates in a van. :thumbs:


I don't think i've ever seen someone so scared than the main bully, he probably shit his pants at the sight of 5 lads jumping out the back of a tranny van! I never got touched again, but my dad started teaching me to box and i'm not massive but i can give it a good go and i've got a rotten temper, especially nowadays.....there's only one bully i didn't get round to smacking, the biggest prick of the lot, his time will come :thumbs:

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i got told by jock that if you ever get jumped by a few lads find out who they are where they drink and go 1 night to where they drink and wait till they come out pissed, even if you have to do it over a few week give each and everyone the best hiding of their lives and while given them that hiding drum in to their heads who you are why they are getting that hiding and if they touch you again then they will be getting a second helping :thumbs:


Yep....take the kicking first time round, then get them on their own and make them think about their actions :thumbs:

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I used to get bullied rotten, name calling, throwing stuff in class, snatching lunch off me and chucking it on the floor, throwing my pencil case around etc etc. In German one day they were chucking my pencil case about :laugh: and i thought 'enough is enough' and belted one of the main instigators, which bust his nose and he broke down in tears....it earned me the nickname 'hard man', which was just another piss take by the bullies...then it got worse, they would wait for me outside the school gates and kick f**k out of me, the school didn't give a shit. Some random mum dragged me in her car one time to stop them from kicking my arse. I would hide it from my parents for fear of getting in trouble then one night i got a message over msn messenger saying i was going to be stabbed the next day at school...so i told my parents what had been going on. The gang were once again outside the school gates, but so was my dad and some of his mates in a van. :thumbs:


I don't think i've ever seen someone so scared than the main bully, he probably shit his pants at the sight of 5 lads jumping out the back of a tranny van! I never got touched again, but my dad started teaching me to box and i'm not massive but i can give it a good go and i've got a rotten temper, especially nowadays.....there's only one bully i didn't get round to smacking, the biggest prick of the lot, his time will come :thumbs:

I waited 5 years to get one lad on his own I told him I would get him on the last day at school as he was a teachers pet ran for the school top sets and thought he could get away with what he wanted as he had a giant of a mate both in my form if I went for this lad I got a slap from this lurch of a lad jake I said jake wont be here forever but I can wait lol last day of school I got my revenge good things come to those who wait

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I used to get bullied rotten, name calling, throwing stuff in class, snatching lunch off me and chucking it on the floor, throwing my pencil case around etc etc. In German one day they were chucking my pencil case about :laugh: and i thought 'enough is enough' and belted one of the main instigators, which bust his nose and he broke down in tears....it earned me the nickname 'hard man', which was just another piss take by the bullies...then it got worse, they would wait for me outside the school gates and kick f**k out of me, the school didn't give a shit. Some random mum dragged me in her car one time to stop them from kicking my arse. I would hide it from my parents for fear of getting in trouble then one night i got a message over msn messenger saying i was going to be stabbed the next day at school...so i told my parents what had been going on. The gang were once again outside the school gates, but so was my dad and some of his mates in a van. :thumbs:


I don't think i've ever seen someone so scared than the main bully, he probably shit his pants at the sight of 5 lads jumping out the back of a tranny van! I never got touched again, but my dad started teaching me to box and i'm not massive but i can give it a good go and i've got a rotten temper, especially nowadays.....there's only one bully i didn't get round to smacking, the biggest prick of the lot, his time will come :thumbs:

I waited 5 years to get one lad on his own I told him I would get him on the last day at school as he was a teachers pet ran for the school top sets and thought he could get away with what he wanted as he had a giant of a mate both in my form if I went for this lad I got a slap from this lurch of a lad jake I said jake wont be here forever but I can wait lol last day of school I got my revenge good things come to those who wait

tell ya theres 1 or 2 dogs from school or work that will have their day ;)

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never got much at school, but at work. was with older lads who were from 17- 20 i was 16, had hard time with then, worked in a butchers shop. But i saw them later years in life, was with my wife 1 day and 2 of them still worked at the shop, which took me back a bit. Feck me i was alot bigger than them 2 blokes and said hi to them , they didnt even know me. they wouldnt have lived with if it came to a scrap today, but back then when 16 the damage was done.you never forget i dont think. :yes:

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