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Bullying At School

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The best way to stop a bully is to go straight to the source .... The home ... My eldest daughter was getting bullied by another girl in her year .... Started off with name cling silly rumours etc but

Very good post socks, confidence is key, I don't mean that horrible cocky arrogant type of confidence, just being secure enough in yourself... For kids sport and decent socialising is so important I r

Yep they turn into big fat fuckers lol ...........

yea i guess they are... but only if the victim speaks up or someone speaks up for him!!! and even then, you cant make kids like another kid if they dont want to... even if they leave him alone, he'l have to go through school alienated!! its a very sad video, i'm nearly sorry i watched it... poor wee mite :(

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Teach them to stick up for themselves but only when punched first...


Easier said than done,especially when your school's filled with ethnics and even some whites who'll jump you with 10 of their mates on your way home.

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Teach your kids that not everyone will be their 'best mate' because real life is not like that. Encourage them to bring their friends to your home get to know their friends - you could be a good influence to a kid who is not so lucky to come from a good family home. I really feel it is more important to spend time, rather than money, on kids.

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The best way to stop a bully is to go straight to the source .... The home ... My eldest daughter was getting bullied by another girl in her year .... Started off with name cling silly rumours etc but when the school and their hairy fairy ways did nothing substantial about it the bullying became physical .... I was away at the time and it was 6 weeks before I got back ... On my first night home I knocked the bully's door and asked politely for her father and when he came to the door I explained to him that whatever his daughter did to mine I would repay him tenfold with great pleasure ...... Strangely enough the bullying stopped instantly .......

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I had to take my daughter (9) back into school only yesterday because she came off the yard crying her eyes out that she's being picked on,

I took her back in to see her head teacher and her teacher and they said they never knew anything was going on and why would they if she doesn't tell anyone. its an awfuly nice school and have the upmost belief they will nip this in the butt before it escalates any further.


I have told her the best part about being a girl is that even if its a boy or girl she's able to crack them straight in the mouth followed by a brief insight that if they don't stop picking on her then there will be further altercations.


but she also has been warned that she cant go around with a firey head on hear shoulders thinking she can hit people for the sake of it because she wants to as she knows how it felt when she was being bullied.


luckly enough she has 3 brothers (7 / 4 / 1) and even now my 7 & 4 year old stick up for her, so im sure she'll do just fine. :thumbs:

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my biggest hate is bullies and i will go out my way too stick up for a genuine person getting bullied ,..........and ive paid the price sticking up for people ...........

people think there on top of it ,.......well maybe at school yes but there are plenty of other places where there vulnerable.......

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my eldest when he was 3 was at the fair, and he was about to go down them big inflatable slides, at the top was a boy alot older than him maybe 6 or 7, as other kids were about to go down the older kid was pushing them down, my ol boy was getting ready and the older kid grabbed him trying to push him down, but he wasnt having that, my boy kicked his feet from under him sat on his gut and was pounding him in the face, alright he was only 3 but every one was on target, he soon came down the slide after that and went running to his daddy, bullies always get put down in the end

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My younger brother when at school used to have the odd bully get to him now and then teachers did nothing about it he started cuk Sul won taught him disoplin but also became a handful who ever started on him came worse off lol ended up 3 rd dan black belt and done well in tournaments across the country sometimes it's a good idea self defence if you can control your temper otherwise your no better than the bully . Like they say its the quet ones you watch for .

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