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Longneting At Night

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hello there i was thinking about having ago at longneting at night so im wanting to know how hard it is to net at night and which is the best net to use quickset or traditional im pretty new to using longnets so any advice would be appreciated thanks atb :thumbs:

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I use a traditional net but I was lucky to have an hours tuition which gave me the basics I then just did plenty of day time drops for practice and the rest is learning as you go.

Just need to take your time and prep is every thing. Make sure the net is stowed away so you can get it out easily with no chance of a stray mesh get hooked up on the pins or on a button on your coat. Make sure you know the ground your running the net out on because a single briar strand can cause havoc trust me :)

But I love it and I have no urge to get a quick set

I would recommend this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/1846890586/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new



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i would have to agree with every thing in the last post right down to the book.. theres a time and a place for quick set, the place is where i am not and probably day time :laugh:


you will tangle your long nets from time to tim but if this happens dont get mad just put them away carefully and sort them out in they day light. you will get frustrated but when it goes well for the first time (with a catch) you will grin all the way home..

Edited by smithie
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Get the book its very informative and helpful....use 50 yard nets there as big as you want to be dropping at night...iv always done well with a pair of 50 yarders..: go to a football field and set them pull them in and set them again....keep practicing in the day time unroll you don't need to take much notice on what your doing......there ain't many that can use nets at night a lot say they can lol...just keep practicing and the penny will drop and you will walk in the footsteps of poaching men from a century ago.......BUY THE BOOK

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Long netting at night is something very special, to be honest with you, you either get what it is all about or you don't. It is not about numbers of rabbits caught, it is more about the experience. Terryd gets it, I gave him an hours tuition and that was it, he could set a net out, so now his learning could begin.


He has taken to it like a duck to water. Does not get upset when he blanks, rather he thinks why he blanked, and he is learning about all the facets that can make or break a drop. He is learning about wind patterns and strengths, all the things you need to know to make the drop complete. In fact he is, even after one season under his belt, a very good long netter.


Smithie is the same he totally gets it. He used to use an air rifle on rabbits, then started long netting with the mentoring of a good netter and because he has a good supply or rabbits in his area he really does well numbers wise. But, that is not to say that he has not worked hard for those rabbits


I have been long netting at night for nigh on 25 years and am still learning. If you like a challenge, enjoy working on your own and a blank set makes you think instead of getting angry then long netting is for you.


Good luck.



Edited by tiercel
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I was taught by two old netters, which was difficult, as then there was no books, or dvds, and one of these old Poachers got stick for showing me. a lot different now.

I only worked 100 yards at night traditional, agree with whats been said, don't know what type of ground you have, but you should catch more on a set which is not a flat field, up here we call them, an over the hill set.

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thanks for all the replys to be honest with you i wouldnt be expecting to catch first time out netting at night as im only new to longnetting and it took me a while to catch a rabbit when i got my first longnet off tiercel but i purservered and have caught quite a few in it now. i think ill give netting at night ago and see how it goes. ill definatly be getting that book before i go out with a net though atb :thumbs:

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the book is very good and there is everything and more in there to get anybody started in long netting, but you need to practice in the day as thats the only way to come good. i was fortunate as tiercel has already said, there was some body willing to show me the ropes and he is now my netting partner. as a team we are slick and single handed hes better than i am but i can hold my own..

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Simon go for it, When you make a mistake as you will, as we all do. Just be honest with yourself and try to work out what went wrong, the hard part is not the setting of the nets, but getting into position without getting rumbled. It does help if you have never lamped with a dog before. So you are learning from scratch. When I started there was no one to show me the ropes and as I had lamped with dogs, I went into it from the same angle and that was my biggest mistake.


When lamping with dogs as long as the wind is blowing the direction is not so important, where as with long netting wind direction and speed is everything. A couple of tips to keep in mind. Too strong a wind is a kiss of death to the long netter if you can manage to get the net out, the net will be so taught that you can almost get a tune by plucking the twine, any rabbit that hits that net is going to bounce off. Do your home work first make sure that the drop you are going to do is clear, so you can set the net without it getting full of sticks, brambles etc. But most impotantly make sure you can get into position to make a drop without the rabbits winding, seeing or hearing you, you will be surprise how far your scent will travel even with a light breeze.


If you get stuck there are plenty of people who can help with good advice on here.


Good luck.



Edited by tiercel
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  On 11/03/2013 at 17:48, simonrocco said:

i got the book longnetting from peg to peg on friday its a really good read im about half way through it so far. ill be having my first trip out soon with the net at night ill keep you posted on how i get on atb :thumbs:

There's awful lot of shite spoken about netting at night...read the book and go for it....remember keep calm take it slow and if you mess up go home and sort the net in the day light.....good luck have fun

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