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Reality Will Bite The Masses Up The Backsides

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Lol I couldn't give a feck......I'm completely off grid and self sufficient......roll on the revolution....

so am i the mrs does everything :laugh:


Your a bad bad man lmao

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the antis amaze me when green land is built on nothing is said about the games habitat destruction .they demand abortions and murder our fellow humans hypocrites.soon the euro or the dollar is going t


ffs , is your nickname , fun time frankie ? you great big barrel of laughs.

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Lol I couldn't give a feck......I'm completely off grid and self sufficient......roll on the revolution....

Theres afew on here thats completly off the grid :laugh: :laugh:

Lmao Yeh feckers could do to be behind a grid

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if you purchased a housefor 20.000 in 1972 it is now going to cost you 340.000 .if you buried a 100 pounds in the ground in 1972 whaht would it buy you now?.but if you buried 100 pounds worth of gold whaht would it buy you now ?.paper allways loses value but soild asetts land gold silver property does not because gold houses land is something that allways increases ity value.you only have to go into any supermarket and watch prices to see how they are outstripping wage increases.in 1994 a country estate was sold with 38 acres for 450.000.now they want 3.5 million.some people may think i am a big barell of laughs now but those who think i am will in years to come think why couldnt i see whaht was in front of my face ? .oh i know why i was watching x factor and tv soaps and reading the sun instead of studying the elite the social programmers the illuminatti.as peter finch said in the film network. mad as hell scene


You talk a lot of ignorant hilarious bollocks mate, please keep it coming. Although if you weren't busy building a bunker and filling it with tins of beans and had put £100 in the bank in 1971, it would be the equivalent of jabout £1,200 today, if you add interest then it would be even better. That doesn't mean you need to get a gas mask and dogs (that would need to eat so much meat it would be more viable to use almost any other hunting method) it is just basic inflation. The world hasn't ended all the other times economics have gone badly, nor did it end last year and JESUS STILL HASN'T COME BACK

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if you purchased a housefor 20.000 in 1972 it is now going to cost you 340.000 .if you buried a 100 pounds in the ground in 1972 whaht would it buy you now?.but if you buried 100 pounds worth of gold whaht would it buy you now ?.paper allways loses value but soild asetts land gold silver property does not because gold houses land is something that allways increases ity value.you only have to go into any supermarket and watch prices to see how they are outstripping wage increases.in 1994 a country estate was sold with 38 acres for 450.000.now they want 3.5 million.some people may think i am a big barell of laughs now but those who think i am will in years to come think why couldnt i see whaht was in front of my face ? .oh i know why i was watching x factor and tv soaps and reading the sun instead of studying the elite the social programmers the illuminatti.as peter finch said in the film network. mad as hell scene

So what your saying is house prices have gone up since 1972 and land and gold investments are better hedges against inflation than leaving your money sitting in the bank ,

WTF makes you think that is news to the people on here , your not a big barrell of laughs your a thick crank , whos probably a conspirousy theorist , reads some web pages and thinks he,s smarter than every one else ,this is the lurcher section of a hunting forum , why don,t you fk off and preach your doomsday crap somewhere else .

I saw a graph with gold prices indexed against sterling/dollar and against property,made very interesting/surprising reading-house prices were at there highest gold value in the early to mid nineties if i remember rightly.

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