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Would you shoot someone if they asked you to put your fags out?

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:censored: its wankers like this that cause people like us to lose our guns


yes i would be pissed of if someone asked me to stop smoking if i was smoking outside where it is allowed but i wouldn't shoot someone over it :censored:

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Guest Macnas

Strange isn't it? bad people are using handguns as they like, and when they like.

That handgun ban has really worked a treat.


All it'll take is something like that happening here with a legally held pistol, and that'll be that.

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Strange isn't it? bad people are using handguns as they like, and when they like.

That handgun ban has really worked a treat.


All it'll take is something like that happening here with a legally held pistol, and that'll be that.



when they first proposed the ban my friend had a sticker on his truck that said "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" :hmm:

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If it's the chateau 6 i know, it used to be 'The White Hart' a proper old fashioned London pub run by an irish family.

About 1/4 mile down road from Stamford Bridge.


Got shut down for a few months and 'revamped'. Hey presto it's got gun crime. :-(

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Shame no one deserves that from telling someone to put a snout out.


What baffles me is that the fella who shot Oyebola must be as thick as shit to commit a crime on this scale over something so trivial. It's not big, it's not clever and it doesnt make him a gangster at all. It makes him a thick idiot, The odds are he's going to jail for a LONG time over a ciggy.


Shows an immense lack of intelligence on the shooters behalf I'd say.

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