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Well i have run out off rabbits and havent had much time to go shooting i dont like feeding ferret food dry if i have to i was thinking of seeing my local butcher but what waste meat could i ask for comments would be greatful i have some rabbits coming to me from a friend but i would like to see the butcher for the dry spells cheers Dowen.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

What a pleasent surprise to pop in here and find someone talking sense about ferret feeding, mate :good:


Believe it or not, I've found the best alternative to fresh, whole dead things ~ in those glitch moments when nothing else is available that ye would offer a ferret ~ is that " Chubb " meat ye buy in plastic sausages off the shelf. It's also an ideal snackette for them if, eg. ye doing a show and have a load in a big, open cage.


Chicken's a good 'flavour' to go for, as is Rabbit, when available. Ye can actually see the traces of ground up feather and fur in that shit. And it comes out as reasonable ferret shit too.


Just one rider; On no account ever freeze it! If ye get left with a tube or two, use it for rat bait or else just ding it. It's ok to store, but if it ever gets cold enough to cause that stuff to freeze, maybe in a shed or something, I've known it become absolutely lethal. Botulism.

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Thanks for your answer ditch i will keep my eye out for them :thumbs: you just have to watch them when i go to the hutch they come to greet me and are excited for there food when i chuck a rabbit in they go mad with excitment when i put dry ferret food in there still pestering me for food were when the rabbit goes in there gone and you dont see them.They will eat the ferret food but reluctently cheers Dowen.

Edited by Dowen Pest Control Solutions
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Nice one Ditchy, Ive now run out of meat for the ferts and so dont want to end up using dry food, although I must confess, I do have some for emergencies only (I was feeding them it in the morning as a snack only and to keep their teeth clean) but for the last two weeks they have been having carcasses only and they seem to be doing really well on that food, in fact my fat jill has lost some weight and looks much healthier! I just feed them at night to stop the flies.

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go speak to your botchers i have an agreement with mine (because I'm on my Owen with a 6 month old baby Hubie in Afghan) i haven't been able to catch much my son likes to make it well know where he is and everything fucks of before i have seen it he supply's me with off cuts of lamb, beef, chicken carcases and the odd liver or kidney in return I'm gonna send some rabbits his way in the Autumn when i can start hunting again if you make it so there something in it for him you should be on to a winner :D

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You need to find someone with a pest control job as they always have far too many rabbits.


One of the blokes at our clay club is always pestering me to take rabbits off him, so is the game keeper and as I am yet to get ferrets I have had to turn them down.


Did have a whole stack in the freezer but 'er indoors' was complaining about all the eyes looking at her evey time she went to get some food out.


When I am closer to getting ferts (two weeks now, can't wait, oh so excited!), I will start stocking up again, we have 3 freezers in the house, two for human food and one chest freezer which is mostly for game, so plenty of room.




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If its only to fill them up for a couple of days while you get some bunnies then it doesn't really matter too much, i've given mine chicken backs with no problems along with the leftovers from a roast, dog biscuit, cat biscuit, tinned food and ferret biscuit, basically anything meaty. There is always days where you can't feed full carcase, I can get out and catch something most days but not every day. I remember someone who is really against dry feeding feeding nothing but chicken wings which imo is wrong, in all the time i've kept ferrets i've been told and believe that ferrets do best on fur and feather - whole carcase :thumbs:


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if i cant get out to shoot a few , i get a bag of scraps from my local market butcher , theres usually loads of fat on it though , so have to spend an hour triming it , failing that i have to buy a bit of mince , maybe i should invest in a mincing machine , wonder how much they cost !!

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To Madcowz i have a pest control company cheeky :D just havent got time to go out shooting for rabbits as this is my first year with ferrets i assume come winter i will be able to stock the freezer full of rabbits for next summer just struggling this year with them being babys didnt know how much the little buggers ate :blink: .A game keeper friend will be getting me some rabbits soon :thumbs: cheers Dowen.

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If you get desperate, as i did when the kits cleared out the freezer....fresh road kill :D The couple of rabbits the farmer supplied from early morning accidents kept us going till i could restock the freezer.

They also love day old chicks, get them from pet shop freezers, a bit expensive and not recommended for long term feeding but nice as a treat.


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chuck some bread out in your garden and blat some crows! Mine love the odd crow, feathers an all. If I was allowed to shoot the :censored: seagulls that rip our bins and nick my kids sarnies from them out the garden, i'd never have to leave the house to get food for my ferrets.

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  ARTEMIS said:
  ferret15 said:
go speak to your botchers i have an agreement with mine (because I'm on my Owen with a 6 month old baby Hubie in Afghan) i haven't been able to catch much my son likes to make it well know where he is and everything fucks of before i have seen it he supply's me with off cuts of lamb, beef, chicken carcases and the odd liver or kidney in return I'm gonna send some rabbits his way in the Autumn when i can start hunting again if you make it so there something in it for him you should be on to a winner :D


There is a way to keep your baby quiet while out hunting - and it looks a little like this:


(my baby is a bit more than 6 months obviously - but you can carry a little one like this from around 6m onwards on your back - and NO it isn't hard work, and won't give you back ache - much better designed than anything with ton of metal frame in it, or summat from a big brand store!)


PM me if you're interested in finding out more!


got something similar for walking the dogs and doing the horses and i can get the odd rabbit like this my son doesn't cry much never outside he loves it he just chats away to the trees etc. i don't fancy digging to a fert with him on my back plus hes quiet while we are moving but couldn't keep him still enough to shoot, and on top of this I'm not sure i can find the time what with having four dogs two cats two horses 8 rescue ferrets 4 ferts of my own and a parrot, house and baby to look after I'm not sure there is much time spare at the moment the only time i have spare is when hes sleeping and i need to keep the babysitting favors people owe me for important reasons.but believe me when my hubbies home and safe i will be out at every opportunity

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  jultaylor1972 said:
(I was feeding them it in the morning as a snack only and to keep their teeth clean)

Feeding dry wont keep there teeth clean, it will do the oposite :thumbs:


I get cheap chicken from super market and some other cheap meats keeps them fine when got no rabbits or pheasents.

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