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Strimmer Problem

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I am looking for a bit of advice/assistance and hat better site to ask on.


I have a petrol strimmer/bushcutter, that was working away grand when I put it away for the winter.


When I took it out during the week to do a bit with it, I can't pull the pull cord. I took off the cover thinking that the cord might have just got stuck but it seems to be ok.


Any idea what it could be and how if I could fix it, or if it has to be brought back to the dealer. It is an Oleo-Mac petrol strimmer.



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Could be a few things mate. Was the fuel drained from the tank before putting away for the winter? Being 2 stroke, the fuel evaporates leaving behind a waxy gloopy mess inside the tank/engine, I have known this to 'lock' an engine solid. Best try removing the pull start and spark plug then see if it will turn over by hand, by turning the bottom head of the machine. removing the plug will relieve any compression making turning the engine easier and removing the pull start will indicate if that is causing the problem.


Someone else may have an other idea but I'd personally start from there.

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Thanks for the replies lads.


I took out the fuel before putting it away for the winter and put a bit of oil in where the spark plug goes.


How do I turn it over by hand?


Good to hear that they are hard to break so hopefully there won't be any big cost with it.


Thanks again

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easiest thing to do is to have a look on the net and see how a 2 stroke engine works. Bit in depth to explain the differences between 2 and 4 stroke here, but a simple way is to look at it as a car engine that has sucked in water into the cylinder. The engine is designed to compress air but water is harder and oil even more so.




should give you an idea

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  On 01/03/2013 at 23:27, 3 and counting said:

just give the bottom a twist, where the blade/line is. What oil and how much did you put in? Not a big problem but if it was a thick oil or quite a bit then the engine will be hydraulicing. as mentioned removing the plug will push the oil out of the hole.

Yup, agreed

There's not a lot of space in there, and if you put in any volume of oil it could well be hydraulic-ing.

As said, Plug out, give it a pull....(sounds suspect that :blink: )

Should then turn.

Could be it's f**ked right enuff, but I doubt it if it was ok last year.


My one just get's thrown into the shed and pulled out again next year, so far no problems getting it going, even with the old fuel in...which can give problems.


If it's turning, stick it back together

Fresh fuel / oil, clean the plug when you've got it out, give it a pull, and hopefully away ya go.

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I didn't get a chance to have a look at the strimmer until this evening, and using the above advise that ye provided I got the strimmer working no problem. It's a bit smokey, when it's running, but hopefully that will improve when i use it a bit more, or will it?


Thanks again for your help, you saved me a few pound.

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  On 07/03/2013 at 21:32, 3 and counting said:

Probably just a bit of residual oil should burn off after a few uses. Wouldn't worry myself as all 2 strokes smoke lol.

Agreed! Smoke will be gone in no time.

Glad to hear you got it sorted! :thumbs:

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Lol the fountain of all knowledge can be found on this thanks to the helpful and knowledgeable members.


While I have the attention of the experts, I bought a second hand ride on mower. It is a 13.5 Castel. There are no wheels on the cutting deck and at times it is scalping some of the grass. There are 4 holes located on the corners of the deck, and I was wondering if it is possible to get the wheels and fittings to put on the deck? Any idea where U could get them, hopefully second hand.


Thanks again.

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  On 08/03/2013 at 08:44, Rebel said:

Lol the fountain of all knowledge can be found on this thanks to the helpful and knowledgeable members.


While I have the attention of the experts, I bought a second hand ride on mower. It is a 13.5 Castel. There are no wheels on the cutting deck and at times it is scalping some of the grass. There are 4 holes located on the corners of the deck, and I was wondering if it is possible to get the wheels and fittings to put on the deck? Any idea where U could get them, hopefully second hand.


Thanks again.


You can get them.

I did exactly that.

If I recall, they are hollow and come in 2 halves...I think.

Got them via local garden centre, but sure you'd get them cheaper on e-bay. ;)

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