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Pics of my team

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Just like to say thanks to ferret15 for giving me 2 of her rescue Albinos. She has a great set up all ferrets looked after very well. Thanks :thumbs: .


Heres some pics of my Ferreting team next season.



Albino Hob Huckleberry Finn :D Picked him up today, hes a very nice ferret, one of the smallest hobs I have seen.



Albino Jill Gypsy. Also picked her up Today, very well handled and friendly :clapper:



Polecat Jill Asbo. My first ferret got her from a rescue last year, good worker always gives her all :victory:



Sandy Jill Lilly. Not as good as Asbo, seems to kill to ground quite abit (ironicly the smallest) but shes good natured and best mates with the dog so shes staying in my team :D (dogs not growling btw just gravity taking her lip down lol.)



Heinz 57 Dusty. Little mongrel really :D , obviously bedlington based. 17" quite quick. Never going to be a consistant catcher but she should be good around hedge rows and cover. 12 months so its her first season.


Lets see a few pictures of your ferreting squad for next year then :thumbs:



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lookes like you have a nice little team there hob&jill when will a lurcher be added to it.i need to get myself a few ferrets together ready for the coming season otherwise it looks like i wont be doing much ferreting,im gonna try and get my dad to pick me a few up from the market.good luck mate this coming season. :victory:


good hunting



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lookes like you have a nice little team there hob&jill when will a lurcher be added to it.

good hunting



Hopefully sooner than later, with abit of luck I will be driving a car in 6 months, that will open up alot of options with dogs :yes: my current dog dosent seem to keen on sitting on the moped :icon_eek::D Good luck with finding some ferrets, you checked out www.ferreting.biz? they got adverts from all over the country.


How do you want me to measure him? nose to end of tail?

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lookes like you have a nice little team there hob&jill when will a lurcher be added to it.

good hunting



Hopefully sooner than later, with abit of luck I will be driving a car in 6 months, that will open up alot of options with dogs :yes: my current dog dosent seem to keen on sitting on the moped :icon_eek::D Good luck with finding some ferrets, you checked out www.ferreting.biz? they got adverts from all over the country.


How do you want me to measure him? nose to end of tail?


nose to base of tail please just so i have a rough body length i have had ferts since i can remember and i don't think i have ever seen one as small as him :hmm:

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