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Best First Hawk


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he lads i shoot over a springer and keep three lurchers and fish i work 90 percent from home and always am there so was looking at getting a hawk now i have a few finches thats it in terms of birds can you suggest the best bird for a complete novice ?? many thanks in advance

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A few things you would need to take into consideration first...


What Quarry You Have Available On you land...


What experience do you have..


Do you have a mentor or any help...


I personally favour the Harris Hawk,they will take a wide varied amount of game, rabbit/hare/phessies/squirell/duck/crows... And prob a few other species !


They can be easy to get going or the complete oposite but thats down to you !.. i think its down to manning and more manning and quality time spent with the hawk,a fit harris will take some beating ( imo )


But there are so many to choose from Goss/ Spar / Red tail... i wouldnt bother with A goss or Spar for at least a few seasons until you get the experience GOOD LUCK :thumbs:

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if your quarry is mainly rabbits then i dont think a male harris can be beaten. as long as the hawk is from a good renowned breeder and not just a diy clutch produced from idiots who are only in it for the money. but if youve got a mentor you could really fly any hawk they are willing to teach you with. however if there is other quarry to be taken then perhaps consider a redtail or female harris as they have the minerals to take on hares. try and get yourself a mentor but if there is no access to a mentor dont be detered but maybe consider a falconry course or certainly take longer in your research into caring for the hawk. also another thing to consider is if your work conditions may change in the near future as this could jeoperdise the time that could be spent hunting the bird. cost is another issue as telemetry is not cheap but is an essential nowadays as i found out recently, you dont realize how valuable it is until you do lose your bird. all the best

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