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Pellet Test Results, Very Surprising!!

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Evening all,


Today I finally got round to doing some decent pellet testing with my Diana 52. Normally I wouldn't bother boring you all with the results, but they were so surprising I thought I'd share them!


I was shooting at 25 yards as that's the longest indoor range I have at my disposal at the mo and all from a standing but supported position. (High plinth and a sandbag bench rest)


I already had a tin of AA Diablo fields and through the pellet swap I'd got hold of some H&N FTT's, Accupells and some Crossman Ultra-mags. (Thanks Ruby16 :thumbs:)


I started with the Diablos as this was what I've been using for a few weeks so already had AA lead in the barrel. I put 10 over the Chrono and averaged 546fps with a high of 549.6 and a low of 543.9. So a variance of 5.7fps - so far so good. The highest reading of 549.6 gives me a ft/lb's of 11.00 - Perfect!


The first 5 shot group was this:




Ok, so the zero is a little off but as groupings go I was very pleased with that! 4 virtually down the same hole and 1 within a pellets width of the edge of the main group. All easily covered by a 5p coin, happy days!

(for reference, the rings on the target sheet are 21mm inside edge to inside edge).





So thinks I, I'll try the H&N's next. Pulled the barrel through a couple of times and sent 10 over the Chrono to lead up the barrel and check speeds.

Average - 498 fps

High - 508 fps

Low - 477 fps

Variance - 31 fps!!! :icon_eek:


ft/lbs calculation (using highest fps) - 8.91 :cray:

The target looked like this:




Now all those shots were aimed at the middle-center target on that sheet. When the first shot hit the middle-left target I thought I'd aimed wrongly by mistake, but the second and third shots went there too!! after that they just went anywhere.





Thirdly using the same process I tried the Accupells



High - 538

Low - 519.2

Average - 526.3

variance - 19


ft/lbs calculation - 9.19.


Group looked like this:




Better and more consistent than the FTT's but still not tight. Center to center the group is 30mm - not good enough!!




This got me worried that my technique was going awry and ruining things so I hurriedly grabbed an old target sheet, went back to the Diablo Fields and did this (POA is now the top center ring):




I pulled the 3rd shot with a trigger snatch and it went low, but the group is 5 shots. This at least put my mind at rest and confirmed that I'll be using AA Diablo Fields from now on in this gun, now when I miss I can only blame myself!

I didn't have time to test the Crossmans, but to be honest I can't see them being any more accurate than the Diablos, so I probably won't bother unless I'm bored one day at the range!


Just goes to show how much difference the right pellet can make to how well we shoot and how well we get that humane kill. It's certainly been a 'school day' for me!


All the best




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Don't worry woody, I had this same problem in my s200, I have tried numbers of different pellets, and I couldn't believe the results I really could. I now stick with Diablo fields, the worst I had we're h and n barracudas, which I really wanted to work for the heavier pellet but they preformed a group if about 10 cm, I did exactly the same as you, got worries because let's face it I'm not the worlds most amazing shot, re leaded the barrel with aa fields and I was hitting pellet on pellet at 30 yards again.

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hi Jim

its never boring reading what members get up to :thumbs:

and pellet testing is a good old read,and viewing.AA are a very good pellet,and are a world class brand!


to test your AA further,take them out side and see how they group at your zero and to 45 yards.also i would say try it prone for best results :thumbs:


thanks for taking the time to share this with us :thumbs:

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Thanks for the replies guys, and the encouragement!


Nice to know I'm not the only one Craig!


Davy, I'll try outside tomorrow I shot them all standing supported as I figured this will be the most likely position when out hunting although not the only one, obviously. Shooting prone is my natural inclination although I haven't done it in a while. It seems most civvy ranges don't allow room at the shooting positions to lie flat, just having seated bays. I'll let you know how I get on! :-)



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Interesting read. :thumbs:


My old 52 would only (and I mean only) group properly with the Premiers and god knows, I must have tried every popular brand through it that at the time. Nearly twenty years ago..... :cray:


The only other pellet I tried that were OK were the old style Ely Wasps but the quality of those has totally gone to pot in recent years which is a real shame.

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+1 for the AA Diablo Field. They really appear to suit my HW 97K a treat - although, I recently ordered up a 'variety pack' of JSB Exact Diablo 4.51, 4.52 and 4.5 mm, JSB Exact RA 4.52mm, JSB Exact Express 4.52mm and Weihrauch F&T Spec 4.51mm and intend sitting down with them sometime next week. I'll try and present as detailed report as yours Jim.

So, pull through after each variety and then pop a few through before starting?

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Rangorian - I'd love to see a report of that little bunch, a great selection! Where'd you get the ' variety pack' from? Pulling the barrel through between pellets brands is supposed to help as each brand have a slightly different lead composition so will work better and more consistently through a barrel that's coated in their own lead and no others. I found that after a clean it took about about 15 - 20 shots to settle down to something worth measuring.


Andy - maybe I will try the crosman's then, just to see! I'd love some JSB exacts too. hmmm perhaps my pellet testing isn't quite as finished as I'd thought! :laugh:

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To be fair, it was a long time ago and even guns of the same type can shoot differently with the same ammo but looking at some of the poor groups you got reminded me exaxctly of how mine was with most pellets.


Give the Crosmans a go, by all means. It'll be interesting to see how they perform through your 52.

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Hi there I enjoyed reading your test results.

I think its something I should try.i bought an aa s400 .177 and an hw97k .22 and for my boy a brocock concept super 6 I just bought rws superdomes for the 3 rifles I just thought tbey werexa good average priced pellet

They group ok .

I never thought to much into testing pellets I thought they were pretty much all the same

A new shooter with lots to learn I think

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Rangorian - I'd love to see a report of that little bunch, a great selection! Where'd you get the ' variety pack' from? Pulling the barrel through between pellets brands is supposed to help as each brand have a slightly different lead composition so will work better and more consistently through a barrel that's coated in their own lead and no others. I found that after a clean it took about about 15 - 20 shots to settle down to something worth measuring.


Andy - maybe I will try the crosman's then, just to see! I'd love some JSB exacts too. hmmm perhaps my pellet testing isn't quite as finished as I'd thought! :laugh:

Hi WoodsmanJim,


Yes, I'll try and get out sometime this week and do some testing, fingers crossed for some good weather.


Got the selection packs from Pellet Perfect (http://www.pelletperfect.co.uk/)


Had a good day out up at Byley FTC, first time up there and what a fabulous place. Great bunch of enthusiasts from a very wide cross selection. All sorts of gear in use and a really excellent set-up with a wooded shoot around water.


I'll certainly be sure to pull through between pellets and I'll set the Chrony F1 up attached to Chrono Connect so I can upload the results.



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