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Can Anyone Help Me? Please?


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Hello thanks for looking, im looking to upgrade to a better gun im kinda new to air rifle hunting but sick of my crappy spring rifle that ive had since i was a kid, i do day and night shooting (with lamp) and had some supprisinly good shots even with a crappy spring had a 17 yard shot just tonight with the lamp dropping just short by a inch or so but thats with no scope on the rifle but i can use sight, but i know i cant really hunt with a such ill powerd rifle so where i am stuck is im on a sort budgetof around 400-500 pound as i am un-employed but i dont claim jsa not a dole hugger make my own money till i can get a decent job so dont judge me as so many would, back to the question i have been looking at the pcp rifles bsa ultra multi shot and what i have herd it would suite me down to the ground for shooting rabbit's pigeons etc, but im on a short budget and i will have to buy pump and adaptors is they anyother guns in my range either c02 or pcp

thank you if you have looked really need some good guidence and btw this is only my second post so if ive done anything i shouldnt of or posted in the wrong place im really sorry thanks guys:)

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Hello matey, i know about some spring powerd rifles but a dare say mine isnt one of those i think it cost a great exspence of £80 haha im stuck between a rock and a hard place from what ive read c02 rifles arnt that good due to temputure can effect performance

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For you budget id be looking at a s410 secondhand..you might be lucky enought to find someone selling a bottle included at that price. Personally id save the pennys and get a HW100 secondhand you wont go wrong with one of them..or the s410 at that.



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if you are strapped for cash i would recommend a s/h AA tx200 springer or a hw 97/ 77/95/80 if the rifle you have ( just guessin) is a smk one of those will feel and shoot like a dream! and you will need no bottle (which costs to get filled) or pump. but for 500 you will pick up a decent pcp set up. AA400 and 410s are great reliable rifles . bsa ultras seem to be held in high regard as well and are fairly cheap! good luck.

Edited by fry
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