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Weirauch Hw95

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As a few people on here might know, ive recently been looking to become a weihrauch owner and as of this morning i am!!!! and i love my 95
just tested it through my friends chrony and its hittin 11.3ftlbs with only a tiny spread of 12ftps with h&n ftt.22
i payed only £120 off a friend of a friend and bonus that its a 2010 model and basically brand new which i personally think is the best bargain im going ever get in the shooting part of my life :D

i couldnt be more pleased

so yh i was just wondering what you guys thought of the hw95 and what have people done to modify looks,tune or experienced using this rifle

thanks for reading guys


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Well done Dave you have just got the bargain of the year there :yes: There are many ways to tune HW springers you are fortunate that you live close to Tony Wall who does excellent work on guns like the HW range. I, in your position would get a stage one tune from

Tony at Sandwell Sporting Supplies. I saw a young lady shooting one of the HW95K rifles at Penkridge Field target club last year and I was impressed by the very small recoil and firing signature of her gun. if you want to have a go at tuning yourself then there are quite a few DIY parts you can fit yourself from the various parts offered by other tuners.

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How many superlatives would you like Dave! This is one of Weihrauch's best rifles. It'll do whatever you ask of it as long as you can do your bit at the trigger end.

Well done fella, you got a great bargain here!


Best wishes for your shooting with it.


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In my opinion the best break barrel rifle I've ever owned, mine was stage one tuned from tony wall at sandwell field sports! It was a joy to shoot and a rifle I regret selling but needs must I had to sell in December last year. You'll really enjoy that rifle mate. Try accupell through her if she's .22. H&N FTT are also good through her.

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If its firing smoothly and accurately mate then leave it be. The one thing I would have definately done to my 95 if I kept it would of been to get a custom Sheffield stock as I found the ambi cheek piece on mine not high enough for my liking.

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If its firing smoothly and accurately mate then leave it be. The one thing I would have definately done to my 95 if I kept it would of been to get a custom Sheffield stock as I found the ambi cheek piece on mine not high enough for my liking.

the cheek peice fits my face perfectly guess i have a big head or sumet aha but do sheffield stocks have a website?

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i also love my hw95k .177 doing a consistent 10.9 ft lbs with 11fps spread with jsb exact, untuned. pellet on pellet if i do my bit not much recoil and also very smooth. also very quiet, a lot quieter than my hw97k .22. i dont think a tune would do that much to be worth spending money its already a cracking little gun.


i think a custom stock would make it a lot better but the standard stock is great aswell.


glad your happy with it mate.

cheers SKoT

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Just type in Sheffield custom stocks, the cs500 stock is the dogs on the HW95, its what I was going to buy had I have not sold. They are walnut and have defined cheek pieces!

i just found that stock in airgunsbb looks stunning

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  • 2 weeks later...

forgot to upload this but this was within half an hour of having a play with the 95 and fitted my nighteater scope
<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/photoozuk.jpg/'><img src='http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/8058/photoozuk.jpg' border='0'/></a><br>Uploaded with <a target='_blank' href='http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us</a>

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i also love my hw95k .177 doing a consistent 10.9 ft lbs with 11fps spread with jsb exact, untuned. pellet on pellet if i do my bit not much recoil and also very smooth. also very quiet, a lot quieter than my hw97k .22. i dont think a tune would do that much to be worth spending money its already a cracking little gun.


i think a custom stock would make it a lot better but the standard stock is great aswell.


glad your happy with it mate.

cheers SKoT



If its firing smoothly and accurately mate then leave it be. The one thing I would have definately done to my 95 if I kept it would of been to get a custom Sheffield stock as I found the ambi cheek piece on mine not high enough for my liking.



total bargain you could just use it for a year or 2 and then look into tuning it if its that new and consistant.



How many superlatives would you like Dave! This is one of Weihrauch's best rifles. It'll do whatever you ask of it as long as you can do your bit at the trigger end.

Well done fella, you got a great bargain here!


Best wishes for your shooting with it.




Well done Dave you have just got the bargain of the year there :yes: There are many ways to tune HW springers you are fortunate that you live close to Tony Wall who does excellent work on guns like the HW range. I, in your position would get a stage one tune from

Tony at Sandwell Sporting Supplies. I saw a young lady shooting one of the HW95K rifles at Penkridge Field target club last year and I was impressed by the very small recoil and firing signature of her gun. if you want to have a go at tuning yourself then there are quite a few DIY parts you can fit yourself from the various parts offered by other tuners.






forgot to upload this but this was within half an hour of having a play with the 95 and fitted my nighteater scope



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