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What would this look like?

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I have got the possible chance of a PRT x Whippet..the PRT is broken coated and the Whipet is a fawn/white..does anyone know what these pups will look like? Both parents are pure bred. What sort of size would they be? Does anyone already own a similiar cross?

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Begs the question that with so many "proven" type crosses out there...........why the feck would you want one?

Dont encourage these feckers who breed silly crosses or cant be bothered to sort the dogs out so they cant produce a litter.


Accidents will happen........but in my eyes, this is a cull.............JMHO

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I'm looking for a small sized lurcher type that will be primarily a pet, but can hopefully work rabbits with my pure bred PRT, when required. I was only asking what this cross may look like not the rights and wrongs on other peoples' opinions! Thanks anyway! :D

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As a enthusiast of working type Bedlingtons even I sometimes cannot fathom why someone would wish to dilute the speed of the Whippet for a rough coat (Beddy x Grews are definately worthwhile).

So a Jrt x Whippet makes little sense to me. :thumbdown:

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I seen one today!!!!


Looked just as I and probably you would imagine. JRT colours but more whippet shaped body this one, the head was like a JRT but with a longer looking slim muzzle.


She did look very nice, but was obviously a pet and nothing else to this couple.


If I see her again over the park I walk my dog, I'll see if the owners will let me take a pic to put up in here for you.

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Thanks for that, i really appreciate it. I guess the reason i was considering this x is that i know both the stud dog and the bitch, she isnt even in season yet, but i was given the option of pick of the litter should there be pups. My concern is that i dont think the pups will maybe have a rough coat. The father of the pups is used for beating and the mother is a racing/show whippet. Its all pie in the sky right now as the mating may not take..i'm under no obligation to take a pup, i just wondered if anyone had first hand experience of the mix. I would love a Bedlington x Whippet, but they seem as rare as three legged chickens up here in Scotland. :( Thanks for all your comments. :)

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My friend had one some years back, she was a brilliant little bushing dog.

She looked like a miniture whippet with a jack russel head. If i could get one like her i'd snap it up tomorrow but only as a bushing dog because i already own a lurcher.

If it's a lurcher you want then a beddie whippet will be better for you, better still 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddie :thumbs:

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I havent seen a Beddy x whippet up here at all, i read about them a while back and have been looking on the net etc, we met a Whippet x something the other night, he was lovely and my dogs had a great time with him. I only use the PRT on rabbits, the Border is hopeless and would rather sleep in the sun than do much else..she's owned by my daughter, so it works well! My other two terrier x are getting on a bit now. I've noticed quite a few Beddy x on Epupz..but typically they all seem to be at the other end of the country! I like PRTs, the only reservation i have with crossing them with the Whippet would be that i really want a pup with a good rough or broken coat, and i dont know if that would come through from the PRT or not?

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