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Problem With Raw Diet??

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Has anyone had a dog that's refused to eat raw and I mean completely! I've tried everything and he just turns his nose up. I've left the meat in as long as I dare risk him still eating and it hasn't been touched. I like mine on a raw based diet, so any advice on making him like it would be appreciated :-)

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Give him 5 mins a day to eat the food. If he doesn't eat it within 5 mins, take it away and don't offer it to him until the next meal time. If he doesn't eat it then within 5 mins, nothing till the next meal time. He will be eating it within a week.

Edited by unlacedgecko
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My Border is exactly the same. We want her to eat raw but she sometimes eats food then the next meal it is Devil food to her, the same applies to kibble etc. Some dogs just dont have huge appetites. Have you tried cooking the food in the microwave for say a mnute or less? that can sometimes work. Also some meats are very strong in flavour , kidnney and the like. It is good to see your trying raw food as the dog ill benifit from it, you will notice from the very start by the dogs stools....the wont reak to high heaven as dogs fed on some of the trash passed off as dog food.

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Also look up ' Raw Prey Model Diet ' on the net...some good tips and it differs from the bark diet. One thing to remember is dont give the dog processed bones...ie dried or smoked..too brittle and try to see if the pup will a raw rib or two...great for the teeth. Best also to avoid weight bearing bones such as cow legs as like steel to a dogs teeth! Oh and the raw problem could be a texture isssue...remember dogs feel with their mouths and are so head strong if they dont like the texture they can be stubborn. Try and give the dog some frozen meat, it will do no harm....its a meat lolly to the dog, my dog can be tricked that way and one she has the taste she will sometime eat the raw....depending on day of week lol. Another cheap food for raw is cow lip...pet shops sell it frozen.

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no healthy animal of any species will ever refuse food to the point of making itself ill. if the food doesnt get eaten straight away, its taken back. nothing till next day then. and if a dog eats a certain meal one day but not the next, then its simply not hungry therefore the portions are too big. feed smaller portions. and dont worry if the dog loses a pound or two in the transitional period, it will simply be getting its body to a proper state of hunger

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