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Haha..I did hear that the top man down the Fens was blind? Just set off walking with dog on slip and when it tugged he just let it loose..once set off in Cambridgeshire and end up in Lincolnshire,not

mine are on the lead most of the time during the day it to risky letting them off there to many dear around me so better safe or sorry i only point and slip where it safe todo so i walk 5 dogs or i ta

Mine are barley on lead lol only near the roads and if there are deer about here is plenty pics mate most just keep on leads to get a pic I think          

mines only on leads in street, saves em mithering the local pussy population, but once in field they always off the leads, I stock break em, but never trust em 100% around anny stock, but being that I wont run where stock is that aint really a problem , nowt worse than four lurchers pullling at ya arms when ya my weight lol

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I know some lads keep em just for weekends and only jog em behind motor etc, but for me it makes a better dog is the one that runs loose like a dog should, muscles are built more naturally that way,tendons flexed and stretched naturally , free running in the company of other dogs is excellent exercise as is hunting up in small packs with terriers spaniels etc gets em using mouth , improving strinking, hitting cover etc, the road work just adds that little extra condition , dogs that are just trotted out andf point and kill miss out on so much and likely end up physical wrecks quicker

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mine is off the lead when i get to the permission im going to.on the lead all the rest of the time.he does have good recall but tbh why chance my dog getting run over or mauling someones unruly mutt.least that way if there is any comeback for such a thing,mine was under control.

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with my fellow, on the public footpath or roads on the lead, were possible off the lead, but I choose my spots also were to let him off, dew to the fact he has been encouraged to Hunt-up, (((( daylight, early morning is best time,,, scent is hot,

As you will find out, with your two saluki xs, they are masters of the deaf ear,, but can run clever, and produce good results, (((( they can cover a lot of ground, (((( the old collie x is far more biddable and controllable, you just learn to live with your headache, (((( one day brilliant, and maybe the next, what the f--k is he doing, Highly intelligent, but sometimes very frustrateing, oh and carrying back to you, depends his mood, sometimes fantastic, and another time half hearted, he is off after another one, No doubt you have been down that road before,, the joys of the Saluki x ,

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When I was a schoolboy in the 60's I ferreted for an older whippeteer who used to walk a dozen whippets, a pointer bitch and Peppy, his wifes miniature poodle, from his house along the river embankment past my house, all free off lead. Very impressive!


One day his best whippet bitch Goldie, broke ranks and chased a cat across the road and was killed under a car.


My dogs are always on a lead until afield!

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I've noticed quite a few times but didn't want to instigate an arguement that the majority of pics of the here's my dog posts or shots with their catches that the dogs are usually on a lead or tied to a gate/fence etc. That's all types, not any specifics.

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