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What onions will you lot be planting this year? I had a bit of a bad year last year, i left it too late and when i went to my local nursery they had ran out of onions so i needed to buy from ebay. They were okay but this year i want to be ahead of the game as im doing 80% potatoes and onions with just a few other bits and bobs.

ANYWAY I cant remember which onions i usually use, i know they are big and very strong tasting, any ideas? what about you lot?


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stuttgarter giant,red baron,sensiu yellows, ill grow some ailsa criag from seed, the red baron last year were the best in a long time and i pickled some in white vinegar, and i have one jar left,and they kept real good to, last year was too wet, i dried them in the shed and im on the last of the stuttgarter,my ground is now ready and if we dont get a frost this week in they go.

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some of the old growers here swear by seed and do well, i always go on what they say and so far its worked,one old boy last year scrapped all he,d grown he said they wont make it, too wet boy,his ground is light and well fertile,they never manure an onion patch,but but always give some grow more when their up,and spray over before they come.

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i asked me old mate ernie years ago about putting in shallots "on the shortest day at the wain of the moon",he said,well i missed that so i put them in on the next wain, in january and they came, dont ask me why on the wain of the moon,maybe theres less chance of frost,i need to ask him when i see him,

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last years onions were the best ive had.


Still got loads in storage and the quality is top notch.


Dont know what type they were.


This year im trying sturon.


One thing i did differently last year was to plant into firm soil.

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You should try growing from seed. Mrs M & I always grow ours from seed. They crop just as good as sets do, possibly better. They seem to store better too. We only grow red onions and until this year we've always goe for Red Baron. This year we're trying a different variety, some Italian seed, can't remember the name of them off the top of my head but I put them into seed trays nearly 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for them to germinate. Trouble is it's been so freakin' cold, nothing wants to grow yet. Same with my broad beans, peas, leeks and other bits. I'm hoping they wont rot in the compost.

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