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Stud Dog

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Anyone mentioning terriers and crufts in the same sentence,in a working terrier forum,needs an instant ban. know nought peddlar....

See where someone said a border will use its heade and just bay its quarry,ive had the pleasure of diging over 3 very good borders down the years and all were as hard as any patt or any type of diging

the clue is in the name Border terrier--- terrier= earthdog ie going to ground in pursuit of things with big sharp teeth but sadly most dont even get dirty these days what used to be a very handy

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the borders always create an argument lol im a fan of the working border, one of the best ive seen to ground was a border bought for 150 with a trial and he was a cracking dog top class my mate owned him and bred workers from him n a patt bitch but he was worked hard n sore n never failed his owner once. im all for borders but just the workers not the lap dogs as theyre the people who ruined them as workers

It depends what you want your dogs for. Years ago, I did a good bit of earth work, but I dont now. I dont want to. I still shoot, (squirrel, crow, maggie, jay and pigeon) go ratting, shoot (and retrieve of course) Squirrels almost on a daily basis. I use my borders to flush birds, pick up and retrieve, dispatch Squirrels and rats, and one is used to track blood scent. Very useful too!!


I dont see why people should be ripped to shreds by others simply because they do not share the same feelings on any one subject, when the aim in it all ought to be a united front in support of ALL Terrier work! However varied it may be. The Terrier is not a one trick pony, its a versatile animal and Im afraid the Border can do an awful lot of "jobs" if you put in a bit of effort.


Yes I show my dogs, I enjoy it. I have a champion bitch that is 3 and a half and has not had a litter, yet Im called a puppy peddler! Its just incredibly sad that strangers think its ok to abuse others with their demonstrated ignorance and bad manners.


Borders always come in for a good slaughtering on here, such a shame.

i think that borders cause the most arguments in here theyre like marmite, but ya cant fault people for getting the hump by how the kc have ruined many once great breeds of dogs. ive always been a believer if your dog makes you happy then thats all that matters but id rather see a we earth worker as they can bush, rat retrieve, flush but most off all work tougher quarry to ground which the non earth dogs cant so in my eyes theyre superior dogs

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There'll be a wanker who'll defend him.......nice start on THL, welc. sort your heads out your ment to be dog men and your going on like you need to be at play group ya drips and cornflakes thats what you lot are ive got a champ of a dog that does go to ground but uses his head you lot have been hanging round the misses too much lads.




There'll be a wanker who'll defend him.......nice start on THL, welc. sort your heads out your ment to be dog men and your going on like you need to be at play group ya drips and cornflakes thats what you lot are ive got a champ of a dog that does go to ground but uses his head you lot have been hanging round the misses too much lads.
Hi there guys got a bordet terrier here for stud £50 will put him over any terrier.He's dandyhow line grandparents are both champs at krufts tel 07835859486 for more details thanks.

youve been a member since yesterday and already you want to stud your terrier out and get a stud to put over your lurcher bitch :hmm:

Not just any old sighthound mate bred by one of the best coursing lads thats been on the fens look on working dogs gallery and you'll c pic of mighty boosh my border nice big head nice chest tight feet good back. like a border should look not like ya c some ment to be borders but look like red lakelands bags of shit. Its only coz it takes a bit for botders to comr on where a pattierdale will go to grown and take a beating where a border will us its head and just bay.



:laugh::laugh: give up the joke mate :laugh::thumbs:

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Not just any old sighthound mate bred by one of the best coursing lads thats been on the fens look on working dogs gallery and you'll c pic of mighty boosh my border nice big head nice chest tight feet good back. like a border should look not like ya c some ment to be borders but look like red lakelands bags of shit. Its only coz it takes a bit for botders to comr on where a pattierdale will go to grown and take a beating where a border will us its head and just bay.



Penny wise........your above statement is one of the most inexperienced unknowledgeable posts i have ever read, you are advertising your dog for stud to make money no other reason and certainly NOT for the good of the breed...........you are advertising for a stud for your lurcher for no other reason than to make money, i wouldn't even waste any more of my time replying to this thread, those that are naive or stupid enough to jump in and use this dog or let people like this use your dog then good luck to you, these are the type of people ruining breeds :thumbs:

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the clue is in the name Border terrier--- terrier= earthdog ie going to ground in pursuit of things with big sharp teeth but sadly most dont even get dirty these days what used to be a very handy little dog but sadly 99% have gone to ratshit very sad state really

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Dawn b just curious that in 20 years have you never had a dog worth breeding a litter for yourself or do you just not like to have your own stuff, not having ago just the statement you made confuses me


The first 3 Borders I had were males. I was asked on numerous occasions and MAINLY at game fairs for all of the dogs at times to be used at stud. It wasnt something I was interested in, (breeding) and the responsibility for me lies as much with the stud dog owner as it does with the bitches owner. My first bitch did go to ground a few times, out and out bayer only, good enough for me, and won well in the ring. She had a closed Pyometra at 15mths old and was spayed. she is still here, she will be 11 in July. Still goes ratting, still picks up.


My next was another male, He is 6 now. Bit big (for me) to show, however that is irrelevant because at 5mths old he and my older bitch were burned with battery acid, so any chance of showing him had gone. I have turned down offers for him from all around the world and still am. He is excellent at tracking, particularly blood etc.. He is invaluable to me when we have been informed of hit Deer etc.. (if you know what I mean :whistling: ) He goes ratting etc.. but is completely useless in any type of picking up because he rips everything to shreds. He will stay here always too.


My latest bitch is 3yrs old. She is a really lovely bitch. Again I only do rough shooting, Squirrel, Rats etc.. with her. She is a champion in the show ring and has had no puppies to date. I have been called an "idiot" "stupid" "crazy" etc... for refusing the offers that have been made for her, but she is mine. I dont buy dogs to sell, and I dont buy dogs solely for breeding. They are not here to earn a living, they are here to help with the stuff I do and for me to enjoy. I couldnt give a toss what anyone else thinks.


My youngest is 17mths. Another lovely looking dog (IMO) and only been out with the gun a few times, and a couple times ratting. He shows a lot of promise with his nose, he is tracking well at the moment and is very focused. He won well in the ring as a puppy and I intend to continue showing him.

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There'll be a wanker who'll defend him.......nice start on THL, welc. sort your heads out your ment to be dog men and your going on like you need to be at play group ya drips and cornflakes thats what you lot are ive got a champ of a dog that does go to ground but uses his head you lot have been hanging round the misses too much lads.
Hi there guys got a bordet terrier here for stud £50 will put him over any terrier.He's dandyhow line grandparents are both champs at krufts tel 07835859486 for more details thanks.

youve been a member since yesterday and already you want to stud your terrier out and get a stud to put over your lurcher bitch :hmm:

Not just any old sighthound mate bred by one of the best coursing lads thats been on the fens look on working dogs gallery and you'll c pic of mighty boosh my border nice big head nice chest tight feet good back. like a border should look not like ya c some ment to be borders but look like red lakelands bags of shit. Its only coz it takes a bit for botders to comr on where a pattierdale will go to grown and take a beating where a border will us its head and just bay.

did you not ask about how to keep weight on a dog?dont give a hoot who bred your f***ing dogs-coursing world is full of bullshitters like your self-and people see through it pal-you have shown yourself to be a retard and quite frankly have no idea about dogs so stick to smoking crack and jeremy kyle-there arnt many borders that can hold their own with even an average black dog FACT-WOULD SOONER TAKE A CHANCE WITH A KC BEDDY THAN A BORDER WITH A NICE HEAD AS YOU PUT IT-JUST CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT DOES ABIT-DONT MEAN IT WILL-FACT-Vixen thats what borders should be :thumbs: in the hands of people who want to better the breed and not line their skanky f***ing pockets-have always liked a good working border :yes: as for my ignorance dawn b-you put up pics of dogs from your website that you make coin from :icon_eek: says it all love-people like yourself are killing the breed same as the kennel club -lets see you great breeders of borders breeding for work and not a bit of paper-and selling pups for less than say 2oo notes?it wont happen because you all thinking of the money :yes: i know it :yes: and you do :yes: not knocking the dogs-KNOCKING PEOPLE LIKE YOU :yes: I OFFERED A BORDER DOG ON HERE FROM EARTH WORKING DOGS-AND ALL THEY ASKED WAS DID IT HAVE PAPERS?WHEN I SAID YES BUT I M KEEPING THEM-THEY LOST INTEREST-THAT SAYS IT ALL-WOULD RATHER SPEND 400 QUID AND BUY SHIT FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF-WHO THINK ITS THERE GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HAVE THESE DOGS AND PEDDLE THEM ABOUT ON BITS OF PAPER THAN MEAN f**k ALL.TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE BETTERING THE BREED-FAIRPLAY TO YOU RESPECT-TO THE DAWN BS AND PENNY SHITBOXES-HOPE YOUR FANNY TURNS BLACK AND DROPS OUT :tongue2: YOU MAKE MY PISS BOIL.ATB

Was out a few weeks ago with 3 good lads, had 3 foxs in 3 different earths. The first earth we put in a 6 year old border dog kc, he was dug at 4 foot, done his job well. Next earth we had a bedlington/lakie dog about 4 years old, he did well and last dig we had a young black dog in, he also done very well. All different styles of working but all got the job done and got what we were after. So why pick on the Border ;)

Edited by The Breeder
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See where someone said a border will use its heade and just bay its quarry,ive had the pleasure of diging over 3 very good borders down the years and all were as hard as any patt or any type of diging terrier.1st one came from a pet home in Dublin as the lady said it was annoying the neighbours cats.His name was Harry and 18 months old at the time.He was brought home on a saturday afternoon after work and took out next morn along with another terrier just to tag along and have a look.1st earth it ever seen it marked and was collered up and let go.Harry went and hit his quarry like a train and was dug to an hour later still latched on which was the way he worked for 7 year until he died in his sleep.Next was a little bitch i bought of lads from Cobh in Cork.This bitch self entered at 8half months old on fox and had a vixon dead when we broke through to her,she was also almost mute,only sounded in very tight places where she could not just make contact,she died hunting cover on a friends shoot after picking up some sort of poison at 3 year old and working to a high standard.Last was a dog i bought in about 7 year ago{RUSTY} he was a fine strong dog,4 year old and came with a good trial on the day he was bought been dug twice.Rusty was a steady enough dog as long as the game did not push the fight to him,if it did then he would take hold and that was that,killed a lot of fox to ground.Rusty had a very hard 8ft dig on game that was well educated to terriers and after 3 hours of diging through stone and roots and chipping stuff like concrete we my diging partner eventually broke through to rusty with a good hold of his game.Rusty was treated as best we could,taken to a vet we know a put on a drip over night but had taken too much and died 2 days later,a sad end to another good diging dog.Borders are hard come by,good diging borders i mean,but when you have one they are as good a terrier as any other breed,jmho.

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See where someone said a border will use its heade and just bay its quarry,ive had the pleasure of diging over 3 very good borders down the years and all were as hard as any patt or any type of diging terrier.1st one came from a pet home in Dublin as the lady said it was annoying the neighbours cats.His name was Harry and 18 months old at the time.He was brought home on a saturday afternoon after work and took out next morn along with another terrier just to tag along and have a look.1st earth it ever seen it marked and was collered up and let go.Harry went and hit his quarry like a train and was dug to an hour later still latched on which was the way he worked for 7 year until he died in his sleep.Next was a little bitch i bought of lads from Cobh in Cork.This bitch self entered at 8half months old on fox and had a vixon dead when we broke through to her,she was also almost mute,only sounded in very tight places where she could not just make contact,she died hunting cover on a friends shoot after picking up some sort of poison at 3 year old and working to a high standard.Last was a dog i bought in about 7 year ago{RUSTY} he was a fine strong dog,4 year old and came with a good trial on the day he was bought been dug twice.Rusty was a steady enough dog as long as the game did not push the fight to him,if it did then he would take hold and that was that,killed a lot of fox to ground.Rusty had a very hard 8ft dig on game that was well educated to terriers and after 3 hours of diging through stone and roots and chipping stuff like concrete we my diging partner eventually broke through to rusty with a good hold of his game.Rusty was treated as best we could,taken to a vet we know a put on a drip over night but had taken too much and died 2 days later,a sad end to another good diging dog.Borders are hard come by,good diging borders i mean,but when you have one they are as good a terrier as any other breed,jmho.


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There'll be a wanker who'll defend him.......nice start on THL, welc. sort your heads out your ment to be dog men and your going on like you need to be at play group ya drips and cornflakes thats what you lot are ive got a champ of a dog that does go to ground but uses his head you lot have been hanging round the misses too much lads.
Hi there guys got a bordet terrier here for stud £50 will put him over any terrier.He's dandyhow line grandparents are both champs at krufts tel 07835859486 for more details thanks.
youve been a member since yesterday and already you want to stud your terrier out and get a stud to put over your lurcher bitch :hmm:
Not just any old sighthound mate bred by one of the best coursing lads thats been on the fens look on working dogs gallery and you'll c pic of mighty boosh my border nice big head nice chest tight feet good back. like a border should look not like ya c some ment to be borders but look like red lakelands bags of shit. Its only coz it takes a bit for botders to comr on where a pattierdale will go to grown and take a beating where a border will us its head and just bay.

did you not ask about how to keep weight on a dog?dont give a hoot who bred your f***ing dogs-coursing world is full of bullshitters like your self-and people see through it pal-you have shown yourself to be a retard and quite frankly have no idea about dogs so stick to smoking crack and jeremy kyle-there arnt many borders that can hold their own with even an average black dog FACT-WOULD SOONER TAKE A CHANCE WITH A KC BEDDY THAN A BORDER WITH A NICE HEAD AS YOU PUT IT-JUST CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT DOES ABIT-DONT MEAN IT WILL-FACT-Vixen thats what borders should be :thumbs: in the hands of people who want to better the breed and not line their skanky f***ing pockets-have always liked a good working border :yes: as for my ignorance dawn b-you put up pics of dogs from your website that you make coin from :icon_eek: says it all love-people like yourself are killing the breed same as the kennel club -lets see you great breeders of borders breeding for work and not a bit of paper-and selling pups for less than say 2oo notes?it wont happen because you all thinking of the money :yes: i know it :yes: and you do :yes: not knocking the dogs-KNOCKING PEOPLE LIKE YOU :yes: I OFFERED A BORDER DOG ON HERE FROM EARTH WORKING DOGS-AND ALL THEY ASKED WAS DID IT HAVE PAPERS?WHEN I SAID YES BUT I M KEEPING THEM-THEY LOST INTEREST-THAT SAYS IT ALL-WOULD RATHER SPEND 400 QUID AND BUY SHIT FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF-WHO THINK ITS THERE GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HAVE THESE DOGS AND PEDDLE THEM ABOUT ON BITS OF PAPER THAN MEAN f**k ALL.TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE BETTERING THE BREED-FAIRPLAY TO YOU RESPECT-TO THE DAWN BS AND PENNY SHITBOXES-HOPE YOUR FANNY TURNS BLACK AND DROPS OUT :tongue2: YOU MAKE MY PISS BOIL.ATB

Was out a few weeks ago with 3 good lads, had 3 foxs in 3 different earths. The first earth we put in a 6 year old border dog kc, he was dug at 4 foot, done his job well. Next earth we had a bedlington/lakie dog about 4 years old, he did well and last dig we had a young black dog in, he also done very well. All different styles of working but all got the job done and got what we were after. So why pick on the Border ;)

picking at the people not the dog ;) atb bobby

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There'll be a wanker who'll defend him.......nice start on THL, welc. sort your heads out your ment to be dog men and your going on like you need to be at play group ya drips and cornflakes thats what you lot are ive got a champ of a dog that does go to ground but uses his head you lot have been hanging round the misses too much lads.
Hi there guys got a bordet terrier here for stud £50 will put him over any terrier.He's dandyhow line grandparents are both champs at krufts tel 07835859486 for more details thanks.
youve been a member since yesterday and already you want to stud your terrier out and get a stud to put over your lurcher bitch :hmm:
Not just any old sighthound mate bred by one of the best coursing lads thats been on the fens look on working dogs gallery and you'll c pic of mighty boosh my border nice big head nice chest tight feet good back. like a border should look not like ya c some ment to be borders but look like red lakelands bags of shit. Its only coz it takes a bit for botders to comr on where a pattierdale will go to grown and take a beating where a border will us its head and just bay.

did you not ask about how to keep weight on a dog?dont give a hoot who bred your f***ing dogs-coursing world is full of bullshitters like your self-and people see through it pal-you have shown yourself to be a retard and quite frankly have no idea about dogs so stick to smoking crack and jeremy kyle-there arnt many borders that can hold their own with even an average black dog FACT-WOULD SOONER TAKE A CHANCE WITH A KC BEDDY THAN A BORDER WITH A NICE HEAD AS YOU PUT IT-JUST CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT DOES ABIT-DONT MEAN IT WILL-FACT-Vixen thats what borders should be :thumbs: in the hands of people who want to better the breed and not line their skanky f***ing pockets-have always liked a good working border :yes: as for my ignorance dawn b-you put up pics of dogs from your website that you make coin from :icon_eek: says it all love-people like yourself are killing the breed same as the kennel club -lets see you great breeders of borders breeding for work and not a bit of paper-and selling pups for less than say 2oo notes?it wont happen because you all thinking of the money :yes: i know it :yes: and you do :yes: not knocking the dogs-KNOCKING PEOPLE LIKE YOU :yes: I OFFERED A BORDER DOG ON HERE FROM EARTH WORKING DOGS-AND ALL THEY ASKED WAS DID IT HAVE PAPERS?WHEN I SAID YES BUT I M KEEPING THEM-THEY LOST INTEREST-THAT SAYS IT ALL-WOULD RATHER SPEND 400 QUID AND BUY SHIT FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF-WHO THINK ITS THERE GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HAVE THESE DOGS AND PEDDLE THEM ABOUT ON BITS OF PAPER THAN MEAN f**k ALL.TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE BETTERING THE BREED-FAIRPLAY TO YOU RESPECT-TO THE DAWN BS AND PENNY SHITBOXES-HOPE YOUR FANNY TURNS BLACK AND DROPS OUT :tongue2: YOU MAKE MY PISS BOIL.ATB

Was out a few weeks ago with 3 good lads, had 3 foxs in 3 different earths. The first earth we put in a 6 year old border dog kc, he was dug at 4 foot, done his job well. Next earth we had a bedlington/lakie dog about 4 years old, he did well and last dig we had a young black dog in, he also done very well. All different styles of working but all got the job done and got what we were after. So why pick on the Border ;)

picking at the people not the dog ;) atb bobby


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