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Another Day On The Does

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Usual early start , up 5.30 ,coffee ,flask ,& away by ten to six.Arrive at farm by five past to see ten or so dark shapes in the 1st field ,the way the wind is (easterly) and backstop make this field impossible from where i am so continue down the track to my normal parking place .Quad unloaded its straight round to were the offices are with the small field behind them . Glassing up the field i can see 15 or so does & youngsters grazing in the middle ,i then do my normal creep round the building lay down on the path pick out a doe job done ,except they have disapeared,by the time i worked my way along the length of the building , totally out of view , they had gone .


Plan B was to go round to the valley have a look over there see what was moving ,not a lot , 2 or 3 buck fawns ,no does with them so i pushed on along the top glassing as i went but all to no avail.I had cleared the valley , cut left up through some woodland to come out at the bottom of 1 of 2 fields that are not owned by the estate , the owners are serious tree huggers,the field is heaving with deer ,when spooked they go and stand on the hump in the middle and dont move .I carry on to get back to the 1st field but come in from the oposite way ,gives me good backstop ,and fairly good wind posistion.The deer hav'nt moved more than a few metres.start on my hands & knees end up flat as i can to reach a fallen tree trunk ,the top was cut and burnt ages ago but the trunk stayed.It made a perfect rest ,doe picked out she just spun on her hind legs ,kicked out a few times then stopped.The rest left...Waited few minutes checked her out , no problems , get the quad .gralloch .cleaned out .


After several abortive stalks i decided to put up a high seat (light weight ally )down near the offices but 1 field back on the edge of the wood were there was a positive deer motor way.The little line of ponds & scrub that devide the field would be the ideal place but its to close to the office building so here was next best,and it was a well used route.That sorted i left the place to settle down & went home for lunch & to wash & tag the doe.



Back early , i was in the seat at 4 ...2hours before sundown,it was going to be a cold couple of hours& so it proved.I was bloody freezing now 5.30 there were deer moving to my right virtually below the seat ,no real view just the odd glimpse , then 4 buck fawns came straight out & stood 20 m in front of the seat, i thought this would get the others to come out , but there sixth sence told them to stay put & they did .Ready to call it a night i glassed the field one last time ,on my left two more buck fawns and one old doe.Just about able to stop shivering enough i squeezed ,nothing fancy ,body shot at 45 m .Warmed my hands doing the gralloch ,got them cold driving the quad back.Cleaned, washed ,tagged she joined her mate in the cold room.......I'm in front of the woodburner.Last day on does at this place tomorrow.

Edited by sussex
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