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Depends how bad a break it is.

Got one at the moment. Bit of cotton wool between the toes, cotton wool padding around the foot and a good bandage of vet wrap,

taped up with elastoplast tape. Short walks only, with a plastic bag or similar taped over with microporous tape (to stop the bandage getting wet).

Give Metacam if you can for the first week or so and maybe arnica cream when you change the bandage.

Looking at 3 weeks minimum.


Sue theres better on here to tell you than me but hope this helps.


Cheers, D.

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i would let a vet look at it cause a friend of mine had bought a dog and didnt no it had a broken toe that was left to heel and it keapt going lame on the front leg and when he took it to the vets they had to take it of cause the nuckle of the toe was not stright and they couldnt do any thing as it was allready heeled

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