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Dog Photos And Hunting Scenes

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i'm starting a new project and i;m looking for photos of dogs and hunting scenes, i expect i may be innundated with lots of images so i'll try to be specific.I'm interested in photos of dogs or hunting

scenes that can be reproduced in art images so each image must meet a certain criteria. Dog photos must be good quality high resolution,head study's or whole dog compositions will be selected to represent the breed in the best perspective.This also applies to multiple dog compositions.


Hunting scenes; Again high quality,high resolution scenes which show dogs and quarry clearly filling the whole image with or without prey/victim.Every photo will judged on it 's merit and payment will be offered if it fits our requirements,negotiations will be entered to obtain copyright of said images to be further subjected to treatment with a view to reproducing in any way,shape or form and you are entirely happy with the negotiations.Older images are very much required and the more antiquated they are the more they will be desired.


Other requirements; with the above the more original the picture is and with landscape showing or people present special consideration will be given according to their merits etc;Also as above with same selection criteria ferret and ferret hunting scenes also required but these will be subjected to a more rigorous selection procedure;Hunting scene images;Actual hunting scenes( photograghed live hunt) may be considered before passive hunting scenes. Also within the the category of hunting scenes gun hunting parties or solo gun images will be considered;


if any one is interested please pm me in the first instance from there i will provide an email address

to where you will be able to submit your photo for consideration and engage in negotiations. Prices will be set during negotiations as long as all conditions are met and both parties are happy.


if you submit a photo to me the said photo can not be sent anywhere else at the same time to ensure

no conflicts arise from your submission,you will be responsible and liable in the event of a simultaneous submission to other interested parties or organisations.Whilst an image has been submitted to me you can not enter into submitting same image to other parties or organisations with a view to negotiation or payment and you will be wholly responsible for any outcome which could result from such actions.


After negotiation,any payment will be immediate and also any projects arising with your images contained will be offered at a substantial discount.


For your information; I may be innundated with lots of images for submission,but probably a large percentage will not be suitable due to composition,low resolution and general subject quality so i therefore urge you to only submit if you think your image may meet the requirements above.



I look forward to your submissions,confidentially is assured and your image will not be used in the event of an unsuccessful submission/negotiation but your image could endure in an iconic/timeless image. Good luck with your submissions.







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Not mine but sure he wont mind      

Here's a few from a friend of mine. He's a professional photographer specialising in rural and sporting photography. Check out his website: www.fieldtoframe.co.uk. He does amazing work.

So what exactly are the photos going to be used for? Website? Book? Magazine? It would be helpful if you could clarify this. I don't think that anyone would want to submit a photo these days without k

Posted Images

So what exactly are the photos going to be used for? Website? Book? Magazine? It would be helpful if you could clarify this. I don't think that anyone would want to submit a photo these days without knowing where the photo is going, as well as a bit of background on the person who is asking for the photos. Forgive me for being suspicious, but hunting photos can, and have been, used to the detriment of hunters, so clarification is essential IMO.

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Ooooh i can see Paulas is going to be busy :boogy:

Sounds an interesting project though Higgins , best of luck :thumbs:

he said high clarity :laugh:

fuzzy is the new banks`y





Ooooh i can see Paulas is going to be busy :boogy:

Sounds an interesting project though Higgins , best of luck :thumbs:

he said high clarity :laugh:

fuzzy is the new banks`y


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So what exactly are the photos going to be used for? Website? Book? Magazine? It would be helpful if you could clarify this. I don't think that anyone would want to submit a photo these days without knowing a) where the photo is going, and B) a bit of background on the person who is asking for the photos. Forgive me for being suspicious, but hunting photos can, and have been, used to the detriment of hunters, so clarification is essential IMO.


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So what exactly are the photos going to be used for? Website? Book? Magazine? It would be helpful if you could clarify this. I don't think that anyone would want to submit a photo these days without knowing where the photo is going, as well as a bit of background on the person who is asking for the photos. Forgive me for being suspicious, but hunting photos can, and have been, used to the detriment of hunters, so clarification is essential IMO.

i will be reproducing them in different forms such as art work for reprinting or t-shirt decoration etc.Will not be using these for anti propaganda or anything like that,just looking for the best images representing the hunting scene or animals .I certainly won t use images that could lead to anyone getting in trouble,its more a case of myself compiling some stock images for my business.Nasty photos will not be bought,just good head studies etc,hope this clarifies my intention,atb Higgins.

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