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Millet the lutino cock you have has never had meds,just as much wild food as i could get hold off and the normal food i give them all and i'd say he himself shouldn't need them imo as with antibiotics if you use them for a preventative then your sort of ruining their own natural resistance and hence making the young weaker and more prone to going light themselves,just my own thought about it and not a proven fact but so far i ain't lost a bird through the moult so i'll stick with whats worked for me,

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Millet the lutino cock you have has never had meds,just as much wild food as i could get hold off and the normal food i give them all and i'd say he himself shouldn't need them imo as with antibiotics if you use them for a preventative then your sort of ruining their own natural resistance and hence making the young weaker and more prone to going light themselves,just my own thought about it and not a proven fact but so far i ain't lost a bird through the moult so i'll stick with whats worked for me,

i am of the same thinking of you Fireman..and any adult bird's would never get anything drug wise unless they where poorely..i'm the same with anything i have and i end up doing too much home work..resulting in over complicating thing's.. :D

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Well mate they don't all drop dead in the wild so it's got to be something there picking up for themselves so do your best by the wild food and it can't be to far wrong can it really? :hmm: ,well like i say that's what i think and if it were dogs and we had to drug just in case to get to adulthood then feck owning a dog either.But saying that if i had one that showed sign of going light then they'd all go on the antibiotics for the course.

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i used to get mine off the vet

but its obviously something a wild bird has access to that a caged bird does'nt

i was speaking to an old boy years ago that i had lost greenies to going light

and he said what he did was get some seed thats sprouting and some clay and make a clay ball

mixing the two, who knows it might work them old boys did'nt have access to the drugs that are about today

it could make sense as a lot of animals in he wild eat clay at certain times of the year

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