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Gday ERD

reccon the boarboel would make a great backup dog not sure it would have the speed to run down a hog in full flight though.

my staghound male and ridgeback got burnt off by some good mountain boars on the weekend theres just no way they could foot it with them down the side of a mountain.

What cross is the best well thats an age old question, and truthfully the answer is whatever works for you if you are luckly enough to have an area that doesn't get much hunting pressure then bully/cattledog types do well and for many years these types were the main stay of the pighunter. Unfortunately these days ever ute that you drive past seems to have a spot light through the roof and a meathead dog on the back. so hunting preasure is much greater in most areas and the pigs much more warey griving rise to crosses that have much better nose and speed. this has given rise to the bullarab and the line breed bully greyhound these are only 2 crosses that work think of cross and it is a fair bet that it has been tried over here.


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LOL Skip,

The ones I have are pretty fast and dont have the any trouble out on the flat country, Something about down the side of a mountian in pine forest that gives the hogs that bit of advantage,

Hows your bitch going? It will be good to see which way the pups throw.


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id love to see you guys trying more of the gwpxbullxgreyhounds or even weimeraner crosses these dogs have great noses and guts to match probably a second generation dog wud be better suited but id love to see em tried in the field!

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id love to see you guys trying more of the gwpxbullxgreyhounds or even weimeraner crosses these dogs have great noses and guts to match probably a second generation dog wud be better suited but id love to see em tried in the field!

These 3 types of dog at least the short haired verities are what went into the make up of the Bull Arab, Bully, greyhound, Pointer, some love em and some hate em personally I dont care as long as it can catch a hog.

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id love to see you guys trying more of the gwpxbullxgreyhounds or even weimeraner crosses these dogs have great noses and guts to match probably a second generation dog wud be better suited but id love to see em tried in the field!

These 3 types of dog at least the short haired verities are what went into the make up of the Bull Arab, Bully, greyhound, Pointer, some love em and some hate em personally I dont care as long as it can catch a hog.

dont tell fibbers steve if that was true you would own a couple of good pigdogs and wouldnt need zeb to show you the way lol

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When I was in Oz I picked up some mags, Bacon Busters and Wild Boar. There was an advert from a guy in the NT who had imported some Boerboelsfrom South Africa as luggers, think the pups were big bucks, I remember the sum of $3,500 but I could be mistaken.

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Yes that price would be right Simoman, they had a feild day in Sydney a while back to try and educate people about the breed but they are far to expenceive to be running around the bush with for my blood.


There's a south african chap in Queensland that recons you can pick them up from any farmer in south africa for $50.00. He also recons some bullmastiff lines are just as good at what they do.


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a mate of mine has 2 boerbels. he has one in pup just now. very nice dogs. hes plannin on puttin a grey over his bitch next year they should be the business for charlie. maybe not first x but 3/4 will have it all. imo

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