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What Bellman And Flint To Get ?

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I prefere the older box myself as it has the multiple location feature that the new box doesn't have.. And before all the keyboard hunters start I don't use more than one dog to ground.

buster i know what you mean mate a friend lost the pieps box witch was on stand by we got another pieps box and was able to locate the other box thank fook

the new red is bang on

  On 24/02/2013 at 11:17, busterbuster1969 said:

I prefere the older box myself as it has the multiple location feature that the new box doesn't have.. And before all the keyboard hunters start I don't use more than one dog to ground.

buster i know what you mean mate a friend lost the pieps box witch was on stand by we got another pieps box and was able to locate the other box thank fook :thumbs:

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haveing used both the new one is a lot more accurate,and i too love the silence,the sound on the old box was handy for just one thing,to be able to hear when your digging ,if your dog moves.The down side you can hear the thing for a hell of a long way on a windless day,an could easily attract the unwanted.Lets face it we all got a pair of eyes,doesn't take a lot to glance at your box now and then..Best box i had was the barryvox,a lot slimmer than the new bellman,that made even worse noise,but could be silenced with a cut off earphone jack plug..But if you had an accident,would know way take the stick the new bellman would...

So as long as you have't got girly hands,i would stay with the new wellmade bellman,its tough,with a long warrenty with it..

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  On 26/02/2013 at 08:27, Donaldduck said:

I've had one since they have been out no problem if the battery's go you just change them the new one if that happens your f--ked and I know some one that happened to

Everytime you turn the box on,it gives you a readout on the battery status,it lasts a long time,if your divy enough to let it fall that low,more fool you,that human fault not the box,credit where credit is due..The new bellman is a good bit of kit(so it should be for the price)But if you don't charge it up,onlyone to blame is you!!

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