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Running After Toe Amputation?

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Have you had it X rayed fella??


Was it dislocated, fractured ???


I would leave it longer than 2 weeks before you are lead walking.. Your in no rush the seasons gone now..


I would try and strap the toe, for what its worth it may not provide any support but may stop the dog bearing weight.. I personally would limit its exercise 4/5 weeks and then light lead walks no free running..


I have rushed feet and it just makes them go again..


Had a bitch that broke nearly every toe.. Its a ball ache for sure..

Yep. The X-Ray confirmed what the osteopath said.


It is broken across the toe joint.


She can rest as long as possible. She gets plenty of attention at home, she's not left in the kennel 24/7 going insane.


This accident has made me realise how attached the Missus and little girl is to her, so with this in mind, and the fact that she may not run the same again (with or without toe) I'm going to semi-retire her. She will still come on walks and mooches but her lamping days are over I think.





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I have seen a few dogs with toes removed on the back foot and they never had a problem.   I would advice speaking to the greyhound vet Richard Torr there are a number of treatments available now lik

I can appreciate that it may cause future problems but once it's off it's off. No putting it back on. That's why im hesitant.   I've seen a few photos of feet with toes missing and the shape of the

I had toe off a bitch. It went several times before I had it off. It made it worst it's other toes started to go as they had no support. I would not do it again would try to pin if possible.


I'm willing to take the risk pal. I don't want the toe off. Spoke to several lads who've sent me photos and the whole shape of the foot is distorted.


If it goes again then it will have to come off. But I'm gonna give her the chance to keep it.

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I'm willing to take the risk pal. I don't want the toe off. Spoke to several lads who've sent me photos and the whole shape of the foot is distorted.


If it goes again then it will have to come off. But I'm gonna give her the chance to keep it.

your dog pal and im glad you dont rush into things .............you might find she will be ok .............i think i would have done the same........

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I'm willing to take the risk pal. I don't want the toe off. Spoke to several lads who've sent me photos and the whole shape of the foot is distorted.


If it goes again then it will have to come off. But I'm gonna give her the chance to keep it.

your dog pal and im glad you dont rush into things .............you might find she will be ok .............i think i would have done the same........


Cheers. Everyone does things differently. Im not one for rushing to the vets, never have been. I arent saying I will let a dog suffer because I wont, but I dont agree with running the vets every time a dog knocks itself up and lining someones pocket with my own hard earned. I'd rather spend that money on the best of grub for them and the best kennels etc.


Like i said above she is basically semi-retired now so wether the toe stays on and she doesnt run properly or it comes off and she doesnt run properly makes no odds really.





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Its a long summer and with proper rest and a slow come back its worth a wurl..


If it goes again you have the option for the toe to come off.. Mine done a middle front toe... and after that came off the outside toe went three times..


Its tough game.. My dog never really got going with injuries..


Hope it comes good for you pal.. Its gutting to put everything into your dog and to have nothing at the end.. I dont even have the good nights to look back on..


Moved on and hopefully next time round it goes to plan :thumbs:

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