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Most Rabbits From One Burrow

Guest JDF

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I've had a seventeen bolt from one earth a few years back. It was quite a large earth dug into a disused railway enbankment. It was hectic to say the least. We enterd a ferret at each end and all hell broke loose. Most were netted, a couple were taken by the lurchers that had followed behind the ones that had hit the nets and one got away scot free. I think the total bag for that day was around fortynine, something like that anyway, I don't really remember.

Last year while ferreting around the lakes I dug to a ferret and extracted fourteen rabbits from a stop end. Trenching along with the aid of my old dog to show which way to go when I lost the route of the tunnel through cave ins. I was totally knackerd at the end of it so we called it a day with twenty in the bag. Heres the end result of all the diggin'.sambirthdayandxmas082ud9.jpg

Shot with KODAK C663 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-22.

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I can remember when I first started ferreting many years ago,my mate

and I covered 10 holes with purse nets then entered a young polecat

coloured hob.


A couple of minutes later a stoat exited one of the holes in a hurry :blink:

Well after that we didn't expect any rabbits to be at home.We were

wrong,the young hob worked his way through the bury bolting 11 rabbits

in the next hour :)


I've had 29 from one massive warren but the 11 I got with the young hob

was far more memorable.

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Most of the burrows on my ground are empty by the time the season arrives even though their full all summer and your lucky if theres more than 2 most of the time :thumbdown: . I've had about 7 though whe i've been on the town centre golf course, 3 of them out of a stop end.

This year on new ground will be different though :thumbs:


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Had 46 from one warren and went back the following day and had another 22, this was a warren with well over 100 holes, dropped three ferrets in and waited nearly an hour before they started moving. Unfortunatley days like these are long gone now :(

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