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Any Collectors Of Vintage Metal Catapults?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found this about the Magda Ding-Dong.




The "Magda Ding Dong" is as truly as strange as its name. It was manufactured
in UK by Harringtons, Walton-on-Thames. Production date is unknown. Its body is
made of cast alloy, the folding wristbrace is bent steel wire with a length of
synthetic tubing. Its handle has an ammunition reservoir inside, with a small
spring-loaded door at the bottom of the yoke. One of its most unusual features
are the one-piece molded bands. They are solid round rubber, tapering down from
3/8" to 1/4" at the pouch. Such one-piece band assemblies are usually found on
very cheap toy slingshots because they perform poorly. One the one hand, it is
clearly visible that quite a lot of effort was put into this slingshot: It has a
contoured handle, an ammo reservoir and the wristbrace is attached on a swivel
that allows it to be folded to the side of the slingshot. I'm sure it was quite
an expensive model back in its days. On the other hand, there are the
low-performing one-piece bands, with an attachment that prevents you from
installing any other type of bands. I know two owners of this slingshot, and
both complain about an uncomfortable wristbrace, low power at high draw weight
and poor acuracy. It is a great collector's item, but the Ding Dong will not
become your favourite model for shooting. We can speculate what went wrong -
maybe it was designed by a professional toy/household goods designer who had
little knowledge about slingshots?

Note: The "Ding Dong" was also sold as the "Gee-string". The Dingdong says
"Ding" on the left and "Dong on the right fork".



Edited by tiercel
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I used to have several Milbros when I was a kid back in the 60's, I shot my thumb so many times with them that I slung them away loads of times....

I always went and retrieved them afterwards though :icon_redface::icon_redface:


I still have just one Milbro but it's a maggapult :laugh:






It could do with a new pouch/rubber, I may get around to doing it one day too!!!


I also have a bait catapult that I made from two stainless steel welding rods about 25 years ago!!


It's still going great after all them years!!


I work in a foundry and for years I was going to carve a few catty patterns from pine to make moulds and then cast some in brass, bronze or ally but I left it too long and now we have about 48 cameras covering every bit of all the bays ( :censored: big brother :censored: !!!)



John :bye:

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