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what are patterdales like with kids? because some of the things i have read about them on here have made me reconsider getting one, i only want the dog for a bit of ratting maybe rabbiting and i have a small child, i obviously wouldnt leave the dog and my daughter unsupervised, and i would train the dog well but i dont want a dog thats gonna be arsey with the little un and a liabillity to train, should i just go with my origanal thoughts and get a russell type?

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I think if the pup is brought up with kids who understand how to behave around dogs it shoould be fine. Caution should aways been applied with any breed. My kids have been brought up with Russells, Border, Lakie x..never had a problem..there have to be rules and understanding from both sides.

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what are patterdales like with kids? because some of the things i have read about them on here have made me reconsider getting one, i only want the dog for a bit of ratting maybe rabbiting and i have a small child, i obviously wouldnt leave the dog and my daughter unsupervised, and i would train the dog well but i dont want a dog thats gonna be arsey with the little un and a liabillity to train, should i just go with my origanal thoughts and get a russell type?


I've had one now for about 6 weeks, and he's been bang on with the kids. My Patterdale is now 15 weeks old and he loves playing with the pan lids, and even when they get rough with him he doesnt get aggressive towards the kids, infact he loves to play rough but never ever over steps the mark with aggression towards the kids. When he see's the lads get the boxing golves on he's stood up tall, ears up, little tail wagging waiting for abit of a spar lol :boxing: .


Just make sure you teach him/her right from wrong and dont let any indiscretion's go unpunished, you know just dont let it take the piss and you'll be sound. Well thats what I've found anyway. It's probably best that you do raise the dogs with a kid(s) to get them accoustumed to having kids around and all that.


I also dont think there's a mega difference in the temperement between the Patt and JRT either, both have reputations of being abit of a pain in the arse to control but I havent had any real problems at all with my Patterdale.


It's upto you but its one of the best decisions I've made in a long time getting my Patterdale.


PS. I'm gonna be posting up some new pics of my dog in abit, so if youre interested pop over and have a look when I've done it.

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my pat is 3 now has never lived with kids till 3 weeks ago my oh had a boy. the pat is so gentle around him . i bred the pat with a poodle by accident and kept a dog pup at 18 mths old he is an absolute w ****** with everything even my other dogs . .


just use extreme caution at all times

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