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Tysons Next Bum..

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hed be btter fighting dale wintons bum it would prob put up a better fight


If you think you could do better, I know there are shedloads of good boxing clubs all over Northern Ireland. Like I've said - give it a try ! Have a go with a professional boxer, then see what you think !!
Cant be very good clubs if they,ll allow a stranger off the streets to walk in and swap it out with a pro ;) .........its silly to do all the " if you think your hard enough " talk............everyone has opinions it dont mean they think they can do better !......

The bravery thing in regards to boxing is nonsense it doesnt take a brave person to do something you love doing.....ive traded with some decent names and had my back to the wall in tough gruelling contests...........but im f****d if id fancy standing on the front line in Afghanistan thats not for me !....for some fighting comes as natural as night and day it can be gutsy/game.......but its nothing to do with being brave.

Who was your hardest fight Gnash?


I asked Lloyd Hibbert this and he said Joey "the jab" Singleton was the best fighter he come across in his career, Brian Coleman said PJ Gallagher was the hardest and best he fought. Although Brian got stopped by Hatton, he said that Hatton wasn't a banger, he just hit him with so many shots he didn't know where the next one was coming from.

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Back then our gym was well reknowned for the gym wars that just dont take place these days there were 10 round spars that any referee would stop 5 times over ! Gary Mason hit me harder than ive ever been hit but for pure pain and just plain horribleness :D .....Funso Banjo on 2 or 3 seperate occasions had me in pain for days !!.....Man he was horrible you just couldnt get inside,he would beat you to the punch,know your next move before you did......he wasnt gifted by any means but he was so tall and strong you knew your only out was to quit......Trevor Curry was very similar we had some cracking little battles....and of course Johnny Gardiner ironed me out a few times i remember as a 19 year old getting put on my arse by him he was 7 or 8 years older but he was British champion so i felt honoured :D good old days.

Hows Lloyd keeping these days i remember when he fought i think it might of been Joey Mack,Cliff Gilpin and a couple of others from Birmingham all in the same year Honeyghan said he was using friends and family to get his win record up :laugh: ....good fighter though Hibbert did he ever win a British in the end i cant remember now ?

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hed be btter fighting dale wintons bum it would prob put up a better fight

If you think you could do better, I know there are shedloads of good boxing clubs all over Northern Ireland. Like I've said - give it a try ! Have a go with a professional boxer, then see what you think !!

Even a spar with an amateur would be an eye opener (or closer).

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Back then our gym was well reknowned for the gym wars that just dont take place these days there were 10 round spars that any referee would stop 5 times over ! Gary Mason hit me harder than ive ever been hit but for pure pain and just plain horribleness :D .....Funso Banjo on 2 or 3 seperate occasions had me in pain for days !!.....Man he was horrible you just couldnt get inside,he would beat you to the punch,know your next move before you did......he wasnt gifted by any means but he was so tall and strong you knew your only out was to quit......Trevor Curry was very similar we had some cracking little battles....and of course Johnny Gardiner ironed me out a few times i remember as a 19 year old getting put on my arse by him he was 7 or 8 years older but he was British champion so i felt honoured :D good old days.

Hows Lloyd keeping these days i remember when he fought i think it might of been Joey Mack,Cliff Gilpin and a couple of others from Birmingham all in the same year Honeyghan said he was using friends and family to get his win record up :laugh: ....good fighter though Hibbert did he ever win a British in the end i cant remember now ?

Well if I'm honest Lloyd although a real sound bloke and a great laugh, is a bit of a drinker and loves smoking weed. He's always been a party boy and loves the birds, but he's pretty much on his arse and didn't really earn big from boxing. He got out of jail recently for calling a lady who works at the job centre a paki, then booted the paki security guard in the bollocks and filled him in, he was only meant to sign on lol. I don't think he cares much though to be honest. He did win the British title and the commonwealth title, and always says he was robbed against Honeyghan lol.


He hated the politics though and despises Micky Duff who he said tried to have him in the net. He said when they met at a hotel to try and sort a fight out with Gary Stretch Lloyd didn't like what Duff had proposed so told him to sling it. Duff left and left Lloyd with the bill for the coffees they drank LOL!

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As an ex-fighter myself ( Thai boxing ), I strongly object to any fighter being called a "bum". A fighter may not be the most skilled or the fastest or have the hardest punch, but it ALWAYS takes a brave man to step into a ring. In there you are on your own - you stand or fall solely on your own heart, guts and determination.


if you doubt me, try it, test yourself and see what you're really made of!!And if you want to know which punch hurts the most , I can tell you - it's any one that hits you.

Some opponents may be pawns in boxing politics, but that doesn't mean they are anything but true warriors.


Sorry for ranting, but it's a subject close to my heart.

LIkewise...............but i cant agree " all fighters are brave men/warriors " etc etc..................thats rubbish.

It doesnt take a brave man to do what comes natural................it takes a brave man to do what doesnt come natural ;)

Best post I've read on THL ever - and it's got f**k all to do with hunting!!!! :toast::laugh::toast:

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