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£500 Stud Fee

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Whats more shocking than the stud price is lurcher lads still reading that rag

Take it easy on me lads but here's my view , I've a whippet that has more than proved himself in the field , a lad I know who has a bitch which has not really proved herself wanted to give me £200 to

The hole problem with the so called lurchet game is the dogs are worthless ...we've just picked up a 3 year Wheaton/grey x deer/grey. It jumps.has stunning obiedence..takes deer single handed..day tim


ive seen greyhound men drive there bitches all the way over to ireland and pay £1500 a time for stud fees :yes:

Been there ,done that.

Pays your money and takes your chance.

Bloodlines cost money' and even more once Proven.

the trainer im talking about brought the dog in the end :yes: did very well out of it too :thumbs:

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Im not knocking you mate ,just saying folk ask what they want then its up to owners to decide if its what they want and does it present value to them personaly.

Iv paid 1500,1200,900,500,350 ect on Greyhound stud fees .


Money and distance shouldnt come into it if you believe the union will have the desired results your working towards.


Especialy distance travelled for a stud or to buy a pup.

That should never be an issue in my book.

your right there mate ,thats the difference between men that no dogs,and fellas that just keep dogs

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Take it easy on me lads but here's my view , I've a whippet that has more than proved himself in the field , a lad I know who has a bitch which has not really proved herself wanted to give me £200 to use my dog over his bitch . . . £1000 said me . . Why ? Well it's him wanting to use my dog which has done the business where it matters , he would sell the pups £300 and say for example 6 pups that's £1800 or if he kept a pup back its £500 and a pup for himself . . . I knew the price I said would put him off which suited me and I knew what his response would be as Money i think was his main objective . . Don't for 1 minute think I'm after the Dolla as another mate was tinkering with lining his Beddy and I offered my Dog Free off charge to this lad as he was doing it for the right reason to take a pup back off his Bitch which is a proven worker .

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Take it easy on me lads but here's my view , I've a whippet that has more than proved himself in the field , a lad I know who has a bitch which has not really proved herself wanted to give me £200 to use my dog over his bitch . . . £1000 said me . . Why ? Well it's him wanting to use my dog which has done the business where it matters , he would sell the pups £300 and say for example 6 pups that's £1800 or if he kept a pup back its £500 and a pup for himself . . . I knew the price I said would put him off which suited me and I knew what his response would be as Money i think was his main objective . . Don't for 1 minute think I'm after the Dolla as another mate was tinkering with lining his Beddy and I offered my Dog Free off charge to this lad as he was doing it for the right reason to take a pup back off his Bitch which is a proven worker .

agree with that pal

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Take it easy on me lads but here's my view , I've a whippet that has more than proved himself in the field , a lad I know who has a bitch which has not really proved herself wanted to give me £200 to use my dog over his bitch . . . £1000 said me . . Why ? Well it's him wanting to use my dog which has done the business where it matters , he would sell the pups £300 and say for example 6 pups that's £1800 or if he kept a pup back its £500 and a pup for himself . . . I knew the price I said would put him off which suited me and I knew what his response would be as Money i think was his main objective . . Don't for 1 minute think I'm after the Dolla as another mate was tinkering with lining his Beddy and I offered my Dog Free off charge to this lad as he was doing it for the right reason to take a pup back off his Bitch which is a proven worker .

I agree mate,why should you graft the bollox off YOUR dog to let someone else make dollar off it?...boils my piss does that!! I had a handy dog,lined loads of bitches for free and one or two c**ts made a fool out of me by selling pups just on the name of my dog as their bitches were bred decent but done pretty much nowt or nothing out of the ordinary anyway..these wankers were selling pups out of my dog for half a grand a piece and like you say if there was 9 or 10 in the litter its a handy five grand for them oh well if I'm ever lucky enough to get another half decent dog I won't be as daft again lol...family and mates and lads/lasses who come recommended is a different story but you have to be careful in this game because some folk are only interested by the pound note signs unfortunately..Atb Andy

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Just a quick question folks...have any of you ever heard of a top class bitch which has had the call so to speak? Meaning an owner of a dog having to pay the owner of the bitch a fee to use her?

seen it wher it was the case that men have put there case foreward to use there animals on said bitch, wanting in payment a welp. atb bunnys.

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It's nowhere near as common as the dog commanding the fee though is it bunnys? ...you could bet your bottom dollar that a lot of the bitches are superior to the dogs that are commanding these ludicrous stud fees?...the good owld dog game eh? ATB Andy

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