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genuine pure wild polecat

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for the lads that asked for a pic, soz it took so long i forgot :doh: here's my hob and i can guarantee he is 100% pure.

he is totally hand tame which took the last six or so months i've had him since he was a young un. i will be working him this season to rabbit rat and greys. he has only bit me twice since i've owned him and i never wear a glove while i handle him. ive had some that would bite me straight through a falconry glove and i've had some which would never be able to be worked but this lad is as tame as anything. i also have 2 pure jills. cheers keith.


ps i dont want this to turn into an arguement on wether he is the real mckoy or not.



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i dont think he is too big for rats, some of the W poley hobs i have owned have been giants. if he proves to be a good worker then i will deffo be mating him to my pure jills next year, i think if you hande them enough at a young age and keep it up then a few will be hand tame obvisiouly a few wil keep their wild instinct and be shy and will bite, with them they will go back to the wild or back to a mate whos a wildlife ranger. my mate has tamed 2 wild mink he got them when they were young and even had a video of him handling them. he also had 2 weasels as well as a stoat. i think anything is possible with time perseverence and patience. but this is just my opinion obvisiouly others think different but as i always say " each to their own " cheers keith.


ps i will take some pics of my 2 jill tomorrow. one is nearly hand tame but one just wont be just wants to bite all the time.

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I can say that pure polecats and 3/4 bred ones are super workers if as bulllyson says you handle them regularly. They have an in bred haterid of rats. They can be a bit hard on rabbits but thats nothing. I only have one left now so need to get a few more.


Regards highlander.

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highlander here's a pic of my pure jill. she's over a year old. extremely small and i think she would fit anywhere. if all goes to plan next year and my 2 jills keep ill sort you out with a jill and when shes old enough to breed drop her down to me and ill get her lined for your to another wild hob. cheers keith




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Them polecats look like belters mate :yes: hope they do well for you. I know someone with a polecat but shes had him castrated so no good to breed with now but hes tame as can be. He was hand reared at a nature reserve before she got it, hes the real mccoy too.


Think Ill stick to ferrets myself though but best of luck with them :thumbs:

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i got a kit wild polcat hob that one of the lads caught at collage hes took some time to train, i will try and put up some pics hes got to be at leest a year old naw , i was just wondering if you could tell the diffrents in strenght and haw fast they are compered to a domestic ferret bacause mines making a mess of the mesh on my cage.

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