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Nick Clegg Refuses To..

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Don't you find it strange that the fuel went down December, stayed relatively steady through January start of Febuary when people are skint and now its going up practically a penny a day? They're treating us like mugs and we f***ing love it :yes:

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Balls!! There will never be an uprising in this country.   We have more chance of going to war with Wales than anybody in this country taking a stance.


Shame our goverment wasnt as generouse with houseing pensions and benifits when the Gurkas needed them

There will be a uprising , rebellion in this country . The people can only take so much of this shit , then the shit will hit the fan .

Balls!! There will never be an uprising in this country.


We have more chance of going to war with Wales than anybody in this country taking a stance.

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Reminds me of all the New Labour c**ts who lied through their teeth and told all the mugs daft enough to believe their bull shit that only ten thousand Eastern Europeans would come to the UK every year.


Vote the lot of the shit houses out of government, county councils and town councils. Rotten to the core the lot of em!

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Why shouldn't the world come to us , after all we populated most of it lol :)


When britania ruled the waves, and the sun never set on the british empire we owned most of the world we gave them all british passports. Jamaica, India, hong kong to name but a few. So now we are paying for it.



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its romanians and bulgarians lithuanians and polish that are coming in there droves.they were never part of the empire,if thats what you are meaning,anyway im not buying that. f***ing decades ago that was,and f**k all to do with this generation.if were going to play that wee game.it will never end who did what to who,and who stole what of this one and that one.utter bollocks

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its romanians and bulgarians lithuanians and polish that are coming in there droves.they were never part of the empire,if thats what you are meaning,anyway im not buying that. f***ing decades ago that was,and f**k all to do with this generation.if were going to play that wee game.it will never end who did what to who,and who stole what of this one and that one.utter bollocks

out of all the countries in the world theres only 22 that great britain has never invaided and them 22 probably wasnt worth invaiding :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Don't know who's more annoying out of Clegg or his wife with her useful "good parenting tips". FFS He wouldn't be a prominent figure if Cameron hadn't used him to make up the numbers, so why the opinion of an unelected deputy p.m's foreign wife would be of interest to us is anyone's guess.

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Why shouldn't the world come to us , after all we populated most of it lol :)

When britania ruled the waves, and the sun never set on the british empire we owned most of the world we gave them all british passports. Jamaica, India, hong kong to name but a few. So now we are paying for it. TC
in a nut shell Tiercel ;)
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Clegg has been "stiffed" by Cameron here.

The government have the estimates. Damn right they have! They don't want us to have them ,as they will scare the bejayzus out of us!

And The Liberal Democrats, Labour and the conservatives don't want us all voting for UKIP and the BNP, nor do they want us pulling out of europe (Which we should!).

So information such as immigration estimates given to the general public is the epitome of the "load gun, point at foot, and pull trigger".

Poor ol' Cleggy just got lumbered with tring to fend the demands off.......Very Clever Mr Cameron!






Non european ning

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