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Mixed Bag Today

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I have been checking the weather for the last couple of days and today was perfect for the air rifle,no wind,clear blue sky and getting warmer throughout the day.Decided to take the .22 panther simple because the pellet gun combination is perfect and if i missed as i did it was down to me.First shot of the day was a jackdaw in the tree's opposite the farm,i originally picked out a crow but there was to many branches to get a clean shot,as i was taking aim the jackdaw landed in a nearer tree and gave me a nice head shot.The next shot was at the ferals on the cattle shed,these are getting to know me now and its usually one shot and they disappear to the next farm.Got within 30mtr's and got a nice head shot,didn't realise the camera had shifted.The next shot was a rabbit at 31 mtr's ,as i approached a sugar beet field 5-6 rabbits ran out of it and into the warren some 80mtr's away,i knew it was only a matter of time before they made there way to the sugar beet.So i sat beneath a large oak tree and waited,a little while later 2 made there way down to the field ,this nice healthy buck stopped and gave me the perfect shot.No sooner had i reloaded when this woody landed in the tree next to mine,it was one of those shots where all of the bird was covered by branches the only shot you can take is the head shot when it pops its head round,and pop round it did.The next shot was a missed rabbit at 41mtr's all my fault ,think i just pulled it slightly to the right.Again a second miss this time at a feral at 40 mtr's,yet again just skimmed the right side of its head.The next shot was a 30 mtr rabbit that showed early signs of mixey.It still saw me approaching and ducked back down its hole,so i lay down on the opposite side of the hedge and waited.As i took aim i noticed the wooden plank in front of me and was worried the shot would hit that so had to adjust the height of my beanie bag .It was a clean head shot but rolled down its hole so i couldnt check it for mixey.The last shot was another 30 mtr rabbit,saw 4-5 rabbits feeding,managed to get to within 50 mtr's before they ran for cover.Layed down on the grass ,rested the rifle on the beanie and waited.The first rabbit to come out hoped along and didn't stop till it was 60 mtr's away.I kept watching him and slowly he began to make his way back towards me,i was thinking if it gets within 40 mtr's i would take the shot, as i fixed the scope on it another came into view even closer,took aim at him, got the range finder out 31 mtr but it didn't look right i would say between 35-37 mtr's just about to take another reading when out popped rabbit number 3,know this one was 30 mtr's took aim and quickly dispatched with a head shot.

Edited by wedge2409
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A nice and clear bit of quality shooting and footage there Ste :thumbs: .


The shot on the woody in the tree with just its head showing was a cracker mate :boogy: .


You seem to prefer the .22 Panther more than your .177 Air Wolf Ste, is there any reason why mate or is it just personal preference like .22 is for me mate?



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Thanks for the comments guys.Lol Denise Healy rabbit.Si I do prefer .22 ,the panther ticks all the right boxes for me at the minute.That being said I haven't really given .177 wolf a fair go.


Yeah I know what you mean Ste.


Once you find that magic calibre its hard to change and use another one unless there is a real need.


My .177's are only really used for rabbits at night or target shooting now unless I'm doing a review and needs some daytime kills etc, and the .22 is used all other times.


I find the stopping power of a .22 more useful to me than the speed, flatter trajectory and better penetration of the .177, but thats just my own personal preference and i acknowledge that both calibers do the job humanely and easy enough.

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Lovely shooting. That feral miss was bloody close! Still...one more out there for the rest of us! :D


Did I see a set of shooting sticks in there? Which ones do you use? Must get some....


The Huggett is a lot quieter than the MK5 silencer, but yours sounds very quiet anyway! My MK5 was never as quiet as that which was why I bought the Huggett.


One thing I did learn recently when fitting the Huggett is that the MK4 has metric allen keys all around, apart from the shroud, which is a 1/16th, so if you ever come to fit the Huggett, you'll need to get yourself a 1/16th key.



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