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New Ratting Pitch.

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Had a call last week from a friend to say someone he knew had a rat problem and would we like to visit before he put any bait down.

Tyla and I went a couple of days later, just to have a look round to see what was about.

Took my 10 year old russell to mark any inhabited places.

Just looking round we saw at least a dozen rats, the old lady may be getting on but she still managed to catch 2 very large rats.


It was decided to go sunday morning, Tyla, Blackstaff and myself with Bill, (Blackstaff's boy) and his mate and my grandaughter Tiegan, 4 of my russells, Tyla's Ollie and Parker and the soft mouth stafford Dolly. Tyla also brought a lakeland bitch and a friend of our host brought 2 borders.


Decided not to use the smokers straight away but have a bit of a poke about in the barn and in some dead hollow tree stumps.


Rats were going all ways. Quite a few climbed up into the roof of the barn where they were picked off by Tyla and Bill with the catapults. More climbed trees, where they were either knocked out for the terriers or shot with the catapults.


Most of the rats were huge, but were dealt with efficiently by the terriers although all of them were bitten, some quite badly.


We ended the day with 36 rats, not a huge number but an enjoyable time was had by all.

Blackstaff took photos although he carelessly left his camera laying about so 1 or 2 extra pics may have been taken by other nameless people!!


So come on Blackstaff, Where are the pics?


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It was, as you say, a really enjoyable day. I always enjoy it when the rats take to the trees, it adds another dimension to it and gives me an excuse to get the catty out. Just goes to show a good day dosent have to be about big numbers.


Blackstaff - Pictures please? ;)

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