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Jumping Dogs

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Start with tiny obstacles. Always use the same command. Give plenty of praise and encouragement. You could try throwing tasty titbits over the obstacle if it's a reluctant jumper. Walk away from you

here's a few you'll of seen before of my lot jumping.

I never put any pics up on this thread but you know me, any excuse               and car crash  

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This is a 1st x collie grey I had in the 80s. He could jump clear over the top of my head but if he misjudged the approach he'd claw my head!


That's very impressive mate.

I remember i had a dog of similar breeding which leapt over my back when I was looking over a dry stone wall. The bugger's back legs hit my head and sent it crashing into the wall and bled my nose.lol.

It had seen a hare and used me as a feckin ladder.lol.

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here's a few you'll of seen before of my lot jumping.

I like the shot of the dog jumping the hedge-at night. Very impressive.

As I said in a previous post, I once saw a couple of saluki xs coursing a hare. When they came across hedges they sailed over them with a foot to spare in height.

Most dogs will stop short at a hedge and look for a way through. These dogs just jumped them as though they weren't there. It's a great trick to teach a dog-puts a lot more gear in the bag.

Anybody else got photos of hedge jumping dogs?

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When jumping those gates.....do you prefer the dog to 'clear' them or push off the top of them with their feet?

Clear them.


Your rolling a dice if they are pushing off the top imo.


One wire fence could have them hanging by a leg :yes:

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