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Over Keen Spaniel

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  On 19/02/2013 at 13:17, craig2013 said:

my spaniel is now 2 year old and works well with gun she retrieves every time the problem is she goes looking when gun goes off looking for bird even though havent hit and then wont come back as shes keen to find it :cray:

Its not over keen it isn't obeying basic commands, under no circumstances should you allow a dog to not stop to the whistle or return to you when you command it. Agree with above it's back to basics until this is resolved


Good luck

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For a long time on here and if you look back the same old question will come up - what age should I start to train my puppy - some say 12 months, even some experts do this - for dogs you want to focus on work only that are kenneled and will be ftch one day this is the way forward like a race horse its all it does.


But most of us want a dog a pet and they want it to work for that reason there should be a training schedule and stages, this starts as soon as you have your puppy settled and you start on the sit before its food etc, then around the house, once he sits there no reward but to use a high pitch voice and say good boy and make a fuss, once mastered move on, and dont move on until that stage is complete, when you take it out for walks, heel is introduced, then the sit whistle, hand signals at the same time, stay etc, some will pick this up quicker than others then the throwing starts and from a young age people are pleased when their dog brings back a ball, you are pleased with the retrieve and thats what you concentrate on and hereith starts the problem, you throw he brings back and you have a dog whether its 6 weeks, months or years, you throw, and he thinks its his right to retrieve and off he goes whether he sat prior and you sent him or not, its his right to that dummy and they focus on it not you, and this reflects when you have a gun. as said there are stages and if you jump one of these stages and let habits start it will be hard to get them out of it, you may have to wait until he is ready for a certain stage but it will come.


Now you have this issue as said you need to go back a peg or 2 and you need to do more retrieves so go to the field and throw your dummy not far make him stay and you get it, out of 10 throws you get 6. do this as often as you can for no more than 10 mins then enjoy the walk, master the only go and get it when I say, then bring in the gun or launcher and do the same, even if you go out with a gun and on purpose fire into a safe place. dogs can work out the difference between boring blanks and dummies and warm game and when you pick up a gun all the training goes out of the window if its not mastered.

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If you are not careful the dog will become a liability and an embarrassment to you and it's down to the total lack of obedience.


Forget about retrieving - the dog will already do that. It needs basic obedience training and you need to go back to step 1 and get that obedience instilled before you try and advance any further. You could find it hard going because the you have allowed the dog get away with disobeying you but, depending on how serious you are, you may find it advantageous to consult a professional gundog trainer.

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