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Now The Pope Has Charges Of Being A Nonce

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Have you noticed the web site it's taken from?.......that's a bit like putting up a link from " digging out" that all terrier men are badger baiters   If we are all getting into conspiracy theories,

Spot the catholic on the thread.....

On a lighter note.          

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if he is guilty and his hiding under the guise of diplomatic immunity,then surely its a case of regime change.so when does the cruise missles start flying lol


joking aside though.its no big surprise,what does surprise me,is the sheer gall of a church to blatantly protect him.surely this is one scandal they cant recover from.

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Makes you wonder why hes stepping down as he doesn't seem any worse health wise than others who have died whilst pope

I know the last one had been basically dead for years,carried him about for the last year.the funeral was a meer formality lol

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surprised im not,as they say rotten from the top down.seems its an epedemic world wide.

...if you believe that site then I think you will believe anything put on the Internet ..it reminds me of any anti hunting site ...total one sided ...surprised you even bothered posting it ......I do ,t do religion I think it,s for the fairy s but I no crap when I see it on the net...

got the discussion going didnt it,opinions and views aired,I thought it was bull shit too but it got a few people talking amongst other things. :D

Edited by jigsaw
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surprised im not,as they say rotten from the top down.seems its an epedemic world wide.

...if you believe that site then I think you will believe anything put on the Internet ..it reminds me of any anti hunting site ...total one sided ...surprised you even bothered posting it ......I do ,t do religion I think it,s for the fairy s but I no crap when I see it on the net...

got the discussion going didnt it,opinions and views aired,I thought it was bull shit too but it got a few people talking amongst other things. :D

nothing would surprise you was he not a member of the hitler youth as well

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surprised im not,as they say rotten from the top down.seems its an epedemic world wide.


...if you believe that site then I think you will believe anything put on the Internet ..it reminds me of any anti hunting site ...total one sided ...surprised you even bothered posting it ......I do ,t do religion I think it,s for the fairy s but I no crap when I see it on the net...
got the discussion going didnt it,opinions and views aired,I thought it was bull shit too but it got a few people talking amongst other things. :D
nothing would surprise you was he not a member of the hitler youth as well
...it was compulsary for all German youngsters to be in the hitler youth....not a bad thing in my book as it put some morals into them ...each to there own
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It totally screw's your faith in human nature,I thought he was just being a catholic and pulling out early,if its this bad now for our kids whats it going to be like in 20 yrs time,the world needs to stop this shit,and expose the lot of them, the do gooder's need to p off bring some proper jail sentences in or even bring back the noose,

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Yup.. Like I would believe anything on that tinpot shit website, ffs..


The real story is that folk have banded about claims that he could be arrested in certain countries for hiding abusers.. but try to gt a country to admit that they would want to arrest the pope.



I hate religeon, but this is bullshit of the highest order ! :laugh:

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just out of interest how many parents on here allow there kids to join the scouts?or is all this current child abuse scandals make you keep them away from such organisations?

My youngest lad was at cubs but he got bored of it. Because of his diabetes he couldn't go on the trips and I suppose felt a bit left out so didn't want to go anymore.

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