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Hi folks can you all list what guns you have & what pellets you find best in them

just to give any newbys to air gunning an idea on what to try in there guns

Heres mine


air arms s410 177 bisley magnums 452

air arms tx200 177 H&N ftt 451

webley fx 2000 22 aa diabolo field 552

webley stingray 22 rws superdomes

BSA spitfire 22 webley mosquito express

cheers stu :signthankspin:

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i alwsays stick to the same pellets i use aqua pell in my stealth :thumbs:

I think its Acu-Pell mate... :hmm:



always loved the Superdomes, but Long Range Gold is also a good pellet as are FT Trophy and AA Field...

I always liked Eley in the .22 cal for springers :yes:

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Guest oldskool

i'm still using my old eley wasps .22... they are a nice wee pellet, i tried a few others but i didnt get the same benefit out of them... i heard they dont make eley wasp anymore?? i think i still have a few hundred to keep me going anyways :) ..


ps, i'm using an air arms tx200

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i alwsays stick to the same pellets i use aqua pell in my stealth :thumbs:

I think its Acu-Pell mate... :hmm:



always loved the Superdomes, but Long Range Gold is also a good pellet as are FT Trophy and AA Field...

I always liked Eley in the .22 cal for springers :yes:


same thing you got the drift :D

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most of the lads round here say aa field i just cant get on with them i shoot rabbits in the head or threw the eye and they just laff ant run off but [bANNED TEXT] it hits target there like a fish out of water then get there feet and gone i prefer the aa hunter they do the job 4 me in my aas410k ... flinty

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most of the lads round here say aa field i just cant get on with them i shoot rabbits in the head or threw the eye and they just laff ant run off but [bANNED TEXT] it hits target there like a fish out of water then get there feet and gone i prefer the aa hunter they do the job 4 me in my aas410k ... flinty


If your hitting them in the head then they should drop whatever pellet your using! that's got to be either the gun running under power or the distance your shooting them at is so great that the pellet has lost it's power!!!


That said the S410's in .22 is 5.5mm. AA field does come in two different sizes 5.51mm and 5.52mm, so could that be the reason your losing power with certain pellets???


Wouldn't of thought it would make that much differance.

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Guest twitch
i'm still using my old eley wasps .22... they are a nice wee pellet, i tried a few others but i didnt get the same benefit out of them... i heard they dont make eley wasp anymore?? i think i still have a few hundred to keep me going anyways :) ..


ps, i'm using an air arms tx200

I agree with oldskool I stuck with my eley wasps .22 brilliant pellets tried others but always stuck with the wasps :gunsmilie:

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