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tell him we are offended by muslims blowing up tube stations in OUR country , oh and tell him if he dont like it to FCUK OFF !!!!

Well in protest of the cheek of the c.unt ive changed my avatar to a very tasty looking pig on a spit!

Just return his pm with the most humiliating degrading and offensive volley of abuse you can think of..........................if he can get offended by a picture on an internet forum you might as wel

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Now this is offensive and downright disrespectful.








Want a name? Check out AZHAR AHMED on facebook.


A taster.




Islam can swing from a tree for all i care. My kids wont be reading the f****n koran. Rather have them speaking f****n german.


Bunch of smelly cnuts.





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Its your account not his, Whats he hoping to find on here?? The only hunting his kind know is the hunting of young girls, his prophet was a Nonce, So im gonna say im offended by the picture, I wished I didnt have to see it as it turns my Stomach, Evil diseased scum That should be wiped off the face of the earth, for the sake of mankind.


No offence intended.



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  On 18/02/2013 at 09:48, whippet 99 said:


  On 18/02/2013 at 09:40, paulus said:

if he has a problem tell him to hit the report button, i will sort his problem in seconds :D

what gun you using............?

water pistol, with a bit of soap and water in it :D:laugh:

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So what we have here is a guy who see's something as possibly offensive to his belief system, who privately (and politely?) communicates his offense to the offender. The potential offender asks for an opinion as to whether the picture is of the prophet Mohammed or just a arabic/musilm looking guy. He didn't ask whether it was offensive, or whether it was the offendees right to be offended, but whether the picture was of Mohammed or not. And you guys spout pages and pages of hugely offensive hatred towards a religion that if any religious freedom activists were to see could result in charges being brought against individuals based on 'inciting religious hatred' laws. Can none of you see the irony here? This is a public forum don't forget and people have been arrested for far less.


Anyone has the right to be offended at anything, same as anyone has the right under the freedom of speech to say whatever they like. Doesn't mean we have to change what we think or say, but it does mean that people are allowed to have different beliefs and opinions. This guy could be white and English for all you guys know, some muslims are. Islam is a religion, not a race of people. Muslim believe that any pictoral representation of Mohammed to be deeply offensive. He has a right to be offended and to communicate that offense, the same as the OP has the right to have whatever avatar pic he likes and to leave it there.


Half of you on here just make yourself look like uneducated hateful morons whenever religion gets brought up.


I'm not defending or accusing anything about the original topic, it just saddens me that it got turned into something else entirely that is so very hateful and destructive.


For the record OP, I don't think the pic is of Mohammed.



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