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Best Cross Beddy Or Wheaton

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a bitch of mine, pics taken recently , about 25 TTS and just under 60lbs when fit      

The kennel blindness on here is amazing,so far beddy crosses are the only dogs that can catch. Wheaten crosses can't run. An bullxs need a 4x4. Some you folks need to get out with some better dogs and


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going round in circles this thread now was good when it started now its done me thinks :yes: atb :bye:

Yep, the o p didn't specify best x for any specific purpose, just best x, beddy or wheaten, and that's ALWAYS going to be down to each individuals needs and preference :victory:

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going back to the size/strength of each cross, surely a pure wheaton is a good bit stronger than a straight beddy?

if you used on the same greyhound bitch as a rule the wheaton X offspring would be the more powerful types?

but i'm no biologist ! of course ya right theres no comparision providing the right wheaton is used springview are ok . and for all the difference in structure of the three quarter type one usually finds the heavier type are faster top end . atb bunnys.

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each to there own edrd my dog fills the pot and freezer big small whatevers there seems u a beddy man to me

and fair play to you everybodys diff and has an opinion atb

said the same thing few pages back if we all ran the same cross it be shite world as long as the dog you run does its job who gives a f**k whats in it keep on doing what your doing :thumbs:


Edited by hunting1234
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only thing with a thread like this is that you hear both sides of the story,.............what works for one man may not work for another ...............

as people grow with exsperience the only way of finding out the truth of such a theory is to spend many o years with both breeds and see a number of each breed to get a valued opionion,.................apart from that you will get the opionions of people just seeing a few and owning a few...............which i dont think is a fair assumption on both the beddy and the wheaton......

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only thing with a thread like this is that you hear both sides of the story,.............what works for one man may not work for another ...............

as people grow with exsperience the only way of finding out the truth of such a theory is to spend many o years with both breeds and see a number of each breed to get a valued opionion,.................apart from that you will get the opionions of people just seeing a few and owning a few...............which i dont think is a fair assumption on both the beddy and the wheaton......

what i said all through the thread i was lucky to see both work in my 40 years in this game i went over the water to watch them work end of day it is what ever suits you and your needs.atb

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I have kept and worked both ,the lurchers and pure breds ,without a doubt if ye want to breed a bit more grit to the lurchers wheatens are the way but if ye want a pot filler that will do the odd fox a beddy x might be more suitable ,but talking of the pure breds an average wheaten would be as good as a great beddy if it was for working large quarry,but i have seen some bad wheatens that where worse than bad beddys but they should not be bred from to create lurchers or pure breds,but my choice would be wheaten x once it was a good one and it was bred from the right stock

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The Beddy produces a different type of lurcher than a Wheaton,different dogs that are usually bred for different disciplines in the field,for my tuppence worth the Beddy produces a wider ranging variation of working lurchers than the Wheaton,the Wheaton x would not generally suit a Beddy x owner and vice versa.

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