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my self taught method through trial and error,

small cuts, let the dog lick and a blast of purple sprayl,


larger cuts, let the dog have a good old lick after washing it out and trimming the fur away,

constant licking day in day out really slows down the scabbing up process, so use a "lampshade" for a week or so

whilst applying Cut Heal liquid wound care twice a day.

found doing this speeds up the healing by about half!

anything bigger and its down to the vets for some good old stiches or staples, treat your dogs right and get them back

out a.s.a.p :yes:


oh yes, if going to the vets, take your credit card!

if you are lucky you might get a post card when they're on their AROUND THE WORLD CRUISE! :haha:


Im no expert, but hope it helps,

cheers :drink:

Edited by Bush Rummager
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i use salt water i also use potassium pamangamate on occasion after cleaning out with salt water, you can get a pot of it from some chemists, a little of it in a spray bottle full of water good stuff.

i tried to get it last week from a few chemist. they said they have all had to take it off the shelves as its what terrorists make bombs out of.

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